My first was a covid baby, she started going to nursery just before she turned 2, I wanted her to go sooner but they didn't have the space. I noticed an instant development change in her as soon as she started going. She's been going to preschool full time since the September before she turned 3 and honestly she loves it, she thrives on the routine and she has lots of friends, she's super confident and social and more importantly she's ready for school now (she will start in September). I cannot give her the stimulation that she gets from pre school, I don't have the skill set. My baby (now 3 months) will be going to nursery when she's 9 months and I will be going back to work full time. Although she's going earlier than my first and I'm sure I will still get the inevitable mum guilt, I can see how much development my daughter got from going to nursery. My advice is to be present before and after nursery, it's so easy to get home and do all the house stuff, but honestly that can wait, enjoy that precious
Time with your little one. There is no right way to raise a child. Whatever you do will be the best for your family and try not to feel guilty ( you will feel this no matter what )
Thank you so much both! It really helps hearing these words and experiences. My sister is also a early years practitioner and she said the same things as you @Olivia I just get so torn when I hear or listen to the main stream which is you have to stay with your children until they are like 2 years
My daughter went to nursery when she was 9ish months. She is now almost 4 and has changed care setting twice. Her independence is amazing and she does so well being away from us. My little boy will also be going to nursery from 9.5 months
Thank you @Joanne I am thinking about going back part time for a couple of much so like 3 days at nursery and 2 with me plus the weekend. I am hoping that this maybe will help the transition
Commenting as an early years practioner - I've worked in nursery with babies to 5 year olds and also a reception teacher. Nursery can make a really positive impact on babies development in all aspects it gives them a really good opportunity to learn social skills with both babies and other adults . I've noticed a massive difference with children who have gone and who haven't in terms of social development . It's normal for them to be sad when you leave but they quickly get over it when their distracted and playing, it's just like sending your baby to be with family. I honestly wouldn't worry if you've toured the place and liked both the environment and the adults go for it.