SK’s weekend

Do any other stepmums sometimes dread every other weekend when they know their step kids are coming? I really hoped this feeling would go away after 3 years but I have a little boy with my partner (21 mths old) and I’m due our second baby in a couple of weeks! The feeling is just getting worse and I find myself constantly finding reasons to tell my partner why I’m in a bad mood, like someone’s pissed me off at work or I’m not feeling well so he doesn’t know what I’m actually pissed off at. When they arrive it’s like an overstimulated whirlwind, screaming, jumping all over the sofas running around and I get they’re excited but it just sends me over the edge and I can’t even bare to look at them and then they run and mess all of my little boys toys up and start teasing him with them. I know I sound really petty but I’m so over emotional at the minute anyway, 38 weeks pregnant, keep getting pregnancy rage, over stimulated. Please tell me I’m not the only one that dreads it 😫
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Completely with you! I have a 7 month old and I live in North Wales. My step kids live in Sheffield (it’s our weekend this weekend) we have them every other weekend & 80% of holidays. I dread it, we get into routine with my boy & they ruin it by being loud, banging around, they’re 12,10 and 9. So they are older but now they’re older, especially the 10yo who’s a girl, she thinks my kid is a doll. We’re trying not to hold him unless he needs it whereas she’s constantly picking him up and just putting him on her knee. Which was lovely to begin with but he doesn’t need it. He’s not going to learn anything new if he’s on her knee. Their dad doesn’t like telling them bc he doesn’t see them much 🥴 Vicious circle I’m afraid for both of us x

It’s now our weekend with my 8yo SS. I’ve felt like this for 4 years. Every other weekend I get an unhealthy amount of anxiety because I know what’s to come. He has 0 respect for me, doesn’t even engage with me and I’ve had enough. When he does speak he’s just rude and not nice to be around. My partner knows how I feel because it got to the point I had to be honest with him. The annoying thing is my partner can see how his son is with me but never ever helps or supports me. I’m done trying and I legit have no more to give. It feels so forced and it makes me unhappy to the point I make plans on the weekends we have him just so I am out of the house for a couple hours. My little boy loves him so much so I don’t ever take him away from him but then I get mum guilt because I’m not there with him. It’s such a horrible cycle and SM do not get enough credit where it’s due. It’s so bloody hard!!

@Ellie literally same problems I’m having! My partner has two young daughters 8 and 4 and it’s the constant disrespect that our 1yo has a routine and they can’t go banging around, the sneaking into his bedroom to wake him up. I’m lucky my partner doesn’t mind telling them off but then he does feel guilty and apologise which I just think undo’s it and makes them feel like they’ve done nothing wrong!! I was hoping it would get better with age but if anything it’s getting worse and with welcoming a new little baby into the household in a couple of weeks I’m DREADING it which makes me feel so guilty because I know it’s so exciting for my partner he just doesn’t understand I don’t share that excitement as they’re not my kids!! We also have them the same amount of time as you and they live a 3 hour drive away so partner has to go and pick them up and drop them back off!

Yes! I feel this so much. We have my partners 3 boys (12,11 and 8) every other weekend and I just dread it. It's an onslaught of 'Daddy Daddy Daddy', endless competition and I end up feeling awkward in my own home 🤦🏻‍♀️ I thought it might get better when we welcomed our little boy 9 months ago but if anything it's made it worse. They fight even more now. Not to mention my partners trying to make every weekend with them special to make up for the lost time, which can get quite pricey 🙈 You're so not alone in this!!!! It feels so good to rant to someone that understands without feeling guilty 😂 x

Ah my SK’d don’t disrespect me and if they did, I’d like to think their dad would tell them not to speak to me/about me in that way. Well, he doesn’t mind telling them off but does it in a jokingly way, he says stuff like “behave, or I’ll chuck you out the window” kind of vibe 😂🥴 Yes, there’s no sort of followed through disciplines for them & from their mum too. No, unfortunately, it doesn’t get better with age, unless things are implemented now - I think? We’re past that stage 💀 Yes, I’m always proud when they achieve things and I will tell them when they have done wrong to anyone/eachother but yeah, I much enjoyed their company when I was pregnant, I could go off to bed for a sleep if they got too much 😂 My/our situation is court ordered so he picks them from school in Sheffield and brings them back Friday night and their mum comes to collect them on Sundays/bank holiday Mondays, as it’s like £30-50 every 2 weeks that I personally could do without in our finances🫢🫠

My general rule is - if it interferes with my LO / her stuff then I tell him off/ to stop. If it doesn’t then I leave him/ to my partner to deal with. Ie. He wouldn’t be messing with her stuff and teasing her. He’d be getting told to either okay nicely with her or to leave it alone as it’s not his

Yes. I just take our baby and leave some weekends 🤷‍♀️ last weekend I did a 10 hour round trip on the train with my almost 5 month old to avoid the weekend we had sk

Since Christmas things have got so much worse with it all so just had to start removing me and my child from the situation

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