Baby won’t settle with dad…

My partner keeps trying to encourage me to go out and have some alone time, or go and see some friends, however our 16 week old won’t settle with anyone but me, and he doesn’t seem to be able to handle him on his own. He’ll try get him to sleep and inevitably won’t settle and will then end up being like “this isn’t working” and handing him back over. I feel so suffocated in the sense of we’re EBF so all the feeds are on me, and all the naps, I don’t get so much as a 90 mins to myself. It’s so hard, I just want to feel like I can have the freedom 😭
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Same here, sometimes I think his stress rubs off on our little girl and then he gets himself down thinking that she is crying because she’s with him 😢 also ebf and find that sometimes she needs milk to settle so naturally settles better with me - no tips or advice but you’re not alone 🫶🏼

I felt the same, then kept doing everything by myself because it was “easier” However - your baby will settle eventually they have too , dad knows what to do they have all the tools you do. Just go out don’t panic and over time it will be fine xx

I know it feels like the hardest thing, but he's only going to be able to get better if he has the opportunity to try. It's not the same as "cry it out" because there IS a caregiver there offering comfort, and even if they're still crying they are not being neglected or suffering any damage. It's not the same as being left to cry on their own, at all If you want to, you absolutely can leave him with your partner and go have some "me time". The more your partner is there for your baby, the better he'll get at comforting him and the more your baby will bond with him

Can your partner wear baby in a carrier/ take him for a walk in the pram so he'll go to sleep? This is what my hubby used to do in the early days so I could nap 😂

lots of skin to skin with baby and daddy might help baby feel more content! x

Same here with EBF

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