Could he be feeling down or depressed? Or maybe even feeling a little left out as the little one is top priority now? Is there an activity that your little one absolutely loves doing that he could maybe take over from now on to help with their bond? It can feel really horrible when you feel like a rubbish parent so I can totally understand where he is coming from but it also must be so hard for you too when you’re doing absolutely everything for the LO and trying to fix this too xx
Y'know. Sometimes you've got to realize the burden of parental bonding/ enabling parental binding with the dad is not yours alone. The other has to step up on their own accord or you'll always be the only one labeled the 'expert' in everything. Which is not right for all three parties involved. Their bond cannot be held together by your glue only. And if he is accepting of that, it's very unfortunate but also a fact. You might also need to accept this, and try to learn not to stress. Try counselling at all ?
Some fathers need help cause it isn't natural for them to be "soothing", They also spend much less time with the baby compared to the mothers hence don't know their baby as well as the mothers yet. And I mean "Help" by creating opportunity for them, not "talk"/"lecture"/"nag" Try to have your husband do the caring part of the baby when you know the baby will be in a happy mood. For example, I asked my husband to bathe my first born everyday and I stepped out of it. I know my son will be happy, smiling and kicking around the water for sure. That's how he charms his father. Once my husband got the taste of feeling great being a father, he also became much more nurturing when the babies were cranky, and wanted to be with his baby more. Find the activity that you know your baby is going to be happy jolly chatty, and in position to look at each other's face. Reading books is hard for facial interactions. Walking perhaps isn't very fun for both of them though it's healthy and LO will be curious.
Lastly, I know what it feels like. It is as if you also need to babysit your husband on top of caring for a baby. *Hugs*🫂
@Tereza @Jade @Honey @Xing Yi I'm sorry for the late reply. Thank you all for your messages and advice. We managed to have a conversation yesterday, he admitted he is feeling depressed, hates his job and feels like he has no way out etc. He doesn't want to talk to a professional etc, so I'll have to figure out how to help him! Thank you again ladies, I really appreciate your help! 🙏🏼
Glad you could find the problem out. Best of luck getting through this xx
I hope he’s ok and that’s a big step that he has told you how he is feeling. I know a couple of people who were in a similar situation and they booked a gp telephone appt and they went down the tablets route. Only a small dose and that seemed to really help but I know everyone is different. I hope he can start to feel better soon 🥰 xx
I am sorry their bonding is not goign that well. I feel like he lacks confidence with the baby? My husband would have hard time to take care of our girl and did not create much of bond early on but is trying now. He still won't change her clothes or so because he is scared for whatever reason. Perhaps you could ask him why he thinks he is not cut for it?