I just have so much to vent and ask

My son is two and we recently just started staying home together. He was in daycare the past year. I'm not used to not working and just trying to get used to being a stay at home mom. He has his days lol like they all do I run out of activities and I try not to do screen time but sometimes I feel defeated so I let him watch blippie on my phone. It makes me feel bad. When he throws tantrums I don't know what to do, he hits me and just started saying no a lot. I yelled at him the other and was tempted to spank him. I know spanking is wrong but how do I let him know I'm in charge? Yelling doesn't seem to work talking calmly to him doesn't work either. I just feel so defeated, his dad is in the picture but always working. I'm going to try potty training and that's stressing me out. He doesn't want to play with his toys anymore and it's still to cold to take him to parks. I'll take him to jump places but that kind of stuff is getting expensive. I feel like I have no help and I need a break but feel bad about wanting a break. I just feel depressed today. I feel like I still have PPD after two years and I don't want to take medication. All my friends are busy with their lives and I can't ever express myself about what's going on. I guess I'm just posting this because I needed to let it out some way and hoping to get some positive vibes.
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I only spank when my son hits me, someone else or his puppies. I would spank him and put him in timeout. Please don’t feel bad about screen time either, it helps you and your mental health is very important especially transitioning to being a stay at home mom. You can message me with anything you have questions about or need advice! 🫶🏼

I know none of this is ideal. We’re mostly too burned out and overstimulated and can barely regulate ourselves. Time-out has been the go-to for us. You get them to stay there by asserting whatever they did was wrong. Ideally just in a low, calm voice (not always the case 😅) and you bring them to the corner or chair or where time-out is and you make them stay and you can walk away, and if they try to leave you, tell them to stay again and keep them there and eventually they get the concept. That’s the only thing I found makes discipline manageable, or like you said it starts escalating.

@Selina Thank you 🫶

@Philomena Time out hasn't been working for me he just doesn't want to stay in the corner or in a chair and I don't know how to make him understand the concept of it

Ohh, so how many times have you tried firmly resetting him if he gets up? Like holding him there for a bit until he understands what “stay”means. We only had to do it maybe 2-3 and he got the concept that he had to ask before we let him out.

Maybe try to set some sort of schedule. Wake up, breakfast, go out to library or errands, lunch, nap, fun set up activity, dinner, story time. Or whatever works for you. He is used to knowing what is going to happen from daycare. You could also try playing preschool or some sort of curriculum or place to find activities. I would also suggest toy rotation. It makes old toys feel new. And sometimes they want you to play with them for a while to start the creativity flowing.

Girl I GET it!!! I’m also adapting to SAHM life and I went through the same thing. I know it’s hard but I noticed even when I let him watch a little screen time, the tantrums still happened. I had to just do a detox week and now I hardly give him any. I learned when we don’t do screen time, he colors, plays with his toys, reads… rides his bike around the house. He finds things to do. When I let him have screen time, that’s all he wants and he gets so upset when he doesn’t get it. I def have to set time aside to read to him and play with him. He wants to help with a lot of things and sometimes I just want to get it done and do it, but then I remember I have all the time and to them, that IS play and bond. So I’m practicing slowing down and letting them be involved. Prayers girl. I hope it gets better

Sorry for so much text- for discipline. Time out is our go to unless he hurts his brother or the dog. But I’ve learned yelling just tires us both out and gets us nowhere. Now, I do the same action and say the same words but I go up to him, put my hands on his shoulders and tell him calm he needs to go to time out and I take him. This is just what works for us, yelling makes me 100x over stimulated and I feel like he responds better when I say the same disciplinary words, just not yelling. I raise my voice a bit and am firm, but I’ve stopped yelling.

What a big transition for you both. You must be exhausted. I would try having some structure to your day so that things become more predictable for him. My 2 year old thrives when she knows the flow of our day. But i also give her choices throughout the day so she can exercise her free will (something this age is always testing). For instance, two choices of outfits to wear, two choices of lunch, two choices of an afternoon activity. We do screentime every day while i cook dinner. Its something she looks forward to and doesn’t ask about tv knowing its built into our day. I like @nuturedfirst and @abanaturally on IG for more informed parenting approaches especially when it comes to discipline. A two year old (and arguably any age of child) wont learn from yelling. We do not spank or do time outs. My 24mo rarely has tantrums and if she does, they last a minute or two. Good luck 🫶🏽

2 is really hard. I have set up a calm down corner for my older son and now my 21 month old loves it too. It has a chair and I put sensory toys and books (like calm down little monkey) and a bunch of the lovevery feelings ones as they’ve been both my kids favorites. Now when he hits I tell him to go to the “rainbow zone” and ask if he wants me to come with. He picks a book, cuddles with a blanket, or chooses what to do. Then afterwards we talk and he says sorry, gives a hug, helps me fix what he broke, etc.

Also, don’t measure your success or your child’s based on how well they do bc every kid is different with different temperaments and different things that work. With my first I followed someone who showed gentle parenting and her kids never had tantrum. Well it didn’t work for my kiddo and we kept searching for what would work.

Get him hahaland activity book on Amazon great for them to learn and stay still for a good while my son is two he stays still for a good hour sun times for I put him in his high chair and tie him and take him into the room with nothing no screen time and nothing just timeout and I go in whenever I’m ready he don’t cry he just sits and thinks about what he did and if urs cry ignore it until ur ready girl always take care of ur self first bc ur the one doing everything take care of ur self first bc ur taking care of everyone

I’m not sure where you are so your ‘cold’ might be colder to mine but please don’t be afraid of it. Put layers on get outside. Even just a short 10 minute walk in the woods will do you both good. My son used to go stir crazy if he was kept in so we went out in all weathers.

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