Listen, a lot of people don’t like to hear it, but you were the only one that knows what’s best for your child. Take no feedback and all the others going Mimi Mimi ignore them. I guarantee you’re a great mom! And everyone has a different style of parenting. to be honest at 18 months a child should be a little bit independent, it prepares them for years. so don’t feel too bad. If you know that you’re not a bad mom then you’re not and if anyone says different tell them I’m doing it my way your way might’ve worked for you but not for me.
Your mom is dramatic and you need to know her overreaction stems from projection and has 0 to do with you. She doesn’t respect you as a parent and that’s a problem imo
No, you're not overreacting, but your mom is. A day at a time. Sometimes we can forget to be patient and lack compassion but that doesn't mean you bombard someone with being over emotional. Take it easy
You’re not overreacting, but we can be overstimulated and it be perceived as tough parenting. We have to understand both perspectives and maybe having a talk with her about everything clarify how you feel so she can better understand & help you.