Am I wrong to be upset?

For context My fiancé and I welcomed our baby 8 months ago and are currently at the beginning stages of planning our wedding I asked him a question my friend asked me today and it was as a man name the people in your life you prioritise and their order, his answer was our son, his mother and then me. When I asked him to explain he said he is sorry but I am last because his mum raised him and has done so much over the years and maybe in 10 years I might be the priority but for now it is our son and then his mum. I tried to explain that of course you should love and be grateful for your mum but it is her job to raise you but when you get engaged to someone and have children with them you are making them your priority while of course you will still be grateful for your mum, he then told me I wouldn’t understand because my mum left me when I was young. Then I had a think of if he has ever made me feel like a priority but then I thought back to when I was heavily pregnant and we was staying with his mum whilst we waited for our home to be ready for a few weeks, I would walk out of our room and the house would be grey with plumes of smoke due to his mum and partner chain smoking inside the house, I asked if he could ask his mum if they could maybe only smoke down stairs just so I’m not breathing in heavy smoke whilst I’m back and forth to the toilet with pregnancy sickness and he told me no and that I would have to deal with it as it is their house. It just upsets me as this is someone I have taken back multiple times for cheating even whilst I was heavily pregnant in the past , I give my all to this man through thick and thin as it should be when you are engaged but it hurts to know that it would take 10 years to be considered a priority am I wrong to be upset?
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Girl, sorry if this is going to sound harsh but you’re not his priority and never will be. You’re probably not even number 3 on the list. Cheating while you’re pregnant is insane. Please please start making a plan and leave that POS. You’re worth so much more than a cheating, sackless mummy’s boy

I asked my husband this too just out of curiosity and he said his parents then me, this was before we had a baby together I called him a dickhead and told him to go back to his mum n dad n we shall see if they will keep him warm at night , he then clocked on that he answered wrong , right now while my kids need me they will be my priority but as soon as their old enough to look after themselves and they don’t need me then my husband becomes my priority kids will grow n have their own family but I’ll always be their for em x

I feel like your wife should absolutely come before your mom. You’re grown now!!! I was cheated on while pregnant too and that shit hurts but i had to leave bc i knew the relationship would never be the same / i could never truly trust him again. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.

Sorry but you will never ever be bus priority. I don’t think I could be with a man who would put his mom before me. You are bringing a whole life for you both and u are last?

Yeah really sorry but I would be thinking twice on the wedding plans but I would not be with him after cheating

He cheated on you, of course you aren’t a priority and never will be. I am sorry, but I would be re-considering this relationship.

Why the fuck do you want to marry this man? Not only does he put his mother before you, he's cheated on you multiple times!

Multiple times cheating an ur planning on marriage hell to the no run fast

He’s cheated on you multiple times you were never even one of his priorities mama sorry if that sound harsh

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