No he hasn’t sent them. The last part was me being dramatic/sarcastic. It was suppose to be word worded like, “Well guess what? I took my child to the Drs office. So send child services or sue me for doing that.”
@Sirene is he even alright at all? Did his mom raised him on herbs alone? Honestly just tell him since he knows how to do it better he should come take care of her when she is sick
@Ife I dont think he is right at all in the head. He sounds like a narcissistic idiot .
He says I’m incompetent for caring for my child because im always seeking help from medical professionals. I’m also the reason why my child is sick and has an ear infection. It’s all my fault.
Giving her medications/antibiotics will only make her symptoms worse.
@Sirene if he takes this comment to court they will call him an unfit parent cos clearly he can’t even take care of a child. He is a narcissist and trying his hardest to make you feel bad.
I mean looking after your child’s health sounds terrible 🙃
Home remedies can help. Medication can also help..doing either/or both of these makes you a good mother. What would make you a bad mother would be doing nothing to help your child! he won’t even care for them when they’re sick..where are your home remedies sir!?
So wait he sent child services? Please clear me out before I write what’s on my mind