Also look into babywearing. Babywearing 101 on Facebook is great.
My baby has been a Velcro baby again lately too. If I’m not within arms distance it’s crying and she never cries normally. We got this, it’s only temporary I’m sure.
Mine just started this phase, she’s fine if she doesn’t see me but dear lord if she sees me and I don’t pick her up.. she’s also teething so I believe it’s normal for them to be extra fussy when they’re in that phase.
Thanks all, he is teething for sure. Need more mommy all day long.
Are you using anything to help sooth him? I gave mine a cucumber the other day. She took a bite out so I had to take the piece out of her mouth and she got mad and tossed the cucumber on the floor lol
Yeah I give him raw carrot and teething toys, he might just not be feeling good. I haven’t been either… I gave him genexa just in case… he is being a Velcro baby and he is so heavy… once he is asleep I can sneak away but I’m struggling with ppd I think.
He has eczema and I think his adenoids need removed because he can barely ever breathe very good through his nose no matter what I do. I have an electric nose sucker and so the saline and it’s still a never ending thing
How old is the baby? Mine is 6 months and teething and she won’t let go of me. If she sees me while in someone else’s arms she screams
Fussing for a couple minutes while you grab something or go to the bathroom is one thing.. but crying is an instant pick up.