@Melissa he claimed he was with a friend n her bf but not invited me ? Or even tell me makes it seem believable he is
Cool down, mama. Do you have anywhere you can stay for a few days? A safe place? Him shoving you is not okay! And him not communicating about extending is time out isn’t either. Sounds like he doesn’t respect you, and without respect things are bound to get harder. Please take care of yourself. Just by reading your post, I can tell you were irate and freaking out (which is understandable) but you will always make the best choices and decisions with a cool head.
@Chinyere I'm mad I'm upset since he never thinks about anything before doing, since I'm apparently not important enough to invite out to do anything since I'm the main person who watching our Son since he been born expect the 1st week of our sons life due to being in nicu , I haven't been out the apartment in the last 2 week n want to go do things that don't involve or includ taking care of our son since that's all I do other then sleep . He got pissed off since I was questioning him n he said I didn't tell him we had plans when he knew we talked about a walk in the park firday n lookin at cars , who fucking does that at night with a 3 month old baby ? N I don't have anywhere to go not cuase I moved away from my family for him it's cuase I moved away due to my sisters annoying me when I was in school and I dint have family out here cuase I chose that for my self years ago
OK, so I've read your post, your replies, and seen your profile. How far are you from your family? Can you move back? Has he ever been physical with you before? How long was he gone? Did he apologise at all? How is her with his other baby mum/s? How old are you both? Is he normally like this, even before, baby? How long have you been together? In all honesty, if my partner were to do that to me, dismiss my feelings on the matter, and then physically assault me, we'd be done. I would not put up with that at all. You shouldn't either. Also, if you are ever without a car and something happens to your child, you ring an ambulance. Worry about the money later. I hope you are ok 💗
@Hannah grandma is about an hour away my aunt n sister over 3 hours , his never been pyshical with me before he came to lay with me after I told him next time I will call the cops cuase me asking questions don't me fucking push me and walked away to bedroom n told him to just leave me alone since how I feel means nothing after he told me and promised me that it be max of 3 hours he left 1 something (close to 2 )came back about 6 something (almost 7) , I asked him was he pyshical with his other baby mamas he said he pushed babymama 1 cuase she tryed stopping him from leaving , I'm 25 his 22 , his gotten pissed off before from me asking the same shit over n over again since he wouldn't reply n I asked to fucking know the answer not to be yelled at , we been together 3 years this October engaged since August, I would call ambulance but I rather not since we have a car , I'm fine I'm just upset that he lied to me promised me he wouldn't be gone all day n he was, idc if he was just outside for the morning
@Hannah but I was alone taking care of out child having to do alot of stuff since he wouldn't do it inless I ask 100s of times for help , cyase I'm home I can do everything but I can't I'm watching out son who just started staying up 3 to 5 hours at a time and get fussy if I'm not near by and doing stuff with him , I couldn't do the dishes , barely got laundry done assuming he'll be home about an hour after I got done but nope he was out having fun ignoring my text refusing to tell me anything when plans changed
This is a story of so many women. Living as a single mom while married or in a relationship. This doesn’t have to be your story. You should treat yourself to something nice. You are going to struggle if you don’t get out every so often. He doesn’t even care about you getting back to yourself postpartum. More worried about his own fun than family fun and taking care of you! I’d be losing my shit too. Next day off he has, plan ahead for an outing without him or baby. Seriously, get dressed and leave the house. You can go anywhere, a movie, the park, lunch, mani/pedi. Just do something for you and if he gets mad just put it back on him. Tell him you need some me time and if he doesn’t understand that’s only because he doesn’t want to. That’s his child too, so your little one is his responsibility just as much as yours. You deserve a break! I left my baby dad cuz he sucks and now I’m living close to family who love and support me sooo much more than he did or was even capable of.
It sounds like you aren’t ready to leave him. In that case you must take care of yourself!! You must demand ‘me time’ for your mental health. He will be fine to care for HIS CHILD for a few hours without you. He only does what you allow. And if he gets physical again, fucking leave!!! Abuse only gets worse. And if you haven’t gotten an apology for any of his wrongdoing…you are in for a ride. He lacks accountability and self awareness but that not excuse, it’s a red flag. Maybe look into therapy too! You should have to struggle alone
@Chinyere I'm worried he'll not take care of our son , n yes I'll be leaving the next time he does that , I honestly don't no of he did apologize since I was crying and annoyed with him so I was ignoring him watching tiktok so if he did i didn't hear him
@Rhiannon, I'd consider leaving him and moving back closer to your family. As long as they are in the same state and/or it won't cause potential issues with you retaining custody. I say this for a few reasons; 1. He lied about how long he was going to be out. 2. He ignored you for the entire time he was out. 3. He dismissed your feelings on the matter and yelled at you. 4. He physically assaulted you. 5. He had 2 babies by 2 different people by the age of 19. 6. He physically assaulted another of his baby mama's, too. That is a pattern. He doesn't seem like a safe person to be around. How is he with his other baby mama's and his kids? How old are his kids? Nothing good has ever come from someone staying with someone who physically assaulted them. You and your baby deserve so much better.
@Hannah his oldest is 4 the youngest daughter 2 n his son 3 months so u have a better idea about it , plus one of the baby trapped him then dumped him for someone esle
@Rhiannon, how old are his baby mumma's? Also, it sounds suss she trapped him and then dumped him. He sounds like an irresponsible idiot. What does he bring to your relationship? Also, you never answered my question about his relationship with his kids or their mum's? So far, he, every 2 years, he has had a new kid with a new woman. Sorry to be harsh, but he just doesn't sound like a responsible or upstanding guy.
@Hannah both moms don't talk to him due to one reason or an other, one harasses me for no reason and is refusing to let him see his daughter , baby mama 1 dump him after her jailbird ex got out of jail (pyshicaly and mentally abusive to her ) and only time she talks to him is when his in jail ; baby mama 2 harasses me every few months since she wants him back n is trying to break us up and is trying to get him to sign his rights over their daughter. He does alot for me and in our relationship he currently fixing my car up again due to blown motor , he does alot in our relationship other then that compared to me , I do alot also but I work nights so what I do isn't noticeable due to when I do things
@Rhiannon, do you know the reason? It seems suspicious that he isn't allowed in either daughters life? Is he fighting for custody of his daughters? This whole thing seems like a messed up situation, and now there is another baby involved. How old are these women because "only talks to him when her ex is in jail?" How often is this AH in jail?
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@Hannah he is fighting for it but they are just being asshokes about it , last time I heard him talking to his 4 year old was a few months back and since we been dating his gotten to talk to her n their daughter 2 or 3 times over the last 2 years , I think baby mama number 1 is about his age and the other one is 19 20
How are they being AH's? Does he have a lawyer? Has he been to court for custody for either of them? Does he have a relationship with his other daughter?
@Hannah older daughter 0 contact with her n mother since she has him blocked , younger daughter gets to see him every other weekend but mom refusing to meet up at his parents house due to him needing supervision fir visiting what's bs since what she was claiming wasn't due to him it's cuase baby's need a new diaper after x minutes depending on age he had changed her every time she needed it and as mom took her home she had a dirty diaper that just got dirty on the way home
@Hannah I completely forgot to add this and or won't let me edit it in , he's saving up for a good ass lawyer to get more time with his youngest daughter since he hasn't seen her in a long time due to the mom being a bitch (she is one 90% of the time ) cuase she blocked him for a few months and claimed to his family that she didn't and he proved to his family he was blocked on everything even to send the child support and she just unblocked him like 2 months ago and doing the same shit over again claiming he won't go see his daughter like come on he asks what day and time so he can get it off or have his work let him leave early if need be and she refusing to do anything and willing to meet at his parents house for the day and time
@Rhiannon, no chance a judge is going to order more custody to mum over 1 dirty nappy. That's insane. I'm pretty sure they need proof that something is happening. OK, why was it only every other weekend? So he wants a really good lawyer to get more time with his youngest but not his oldest? Why didn't he get a lawyer 4 years ago to sort out custody for his daughter through the courts?
@Hannah she claimed some bullshit that it wasn't changed for hours and their child had a rash after that 😒 but that isn't true at all since he had changed her right befor she showed up to pick her up ...... and his mom n dad was there and saw him do it , and I honestly don't know much more then that since I wasn't in court with them when it was happening due to work , and yes and to get alot of the bs reasons she lied about to get it every other Saturday for only 4-6 hours and isn't letting him see his child on the day he has the right to see her
@Rhiannon, she would have had to have had some sort of proof in order for the judge to rule in her favour. Why hasn't he taken her back to court about not letting him see his child? Legally she has no choice.
@Hannah she had a very expensive lawyer while he couldn't get one and currently saving for a good ass lawyer before doing such since he didn't have one last time
Couldn't his parents help?
@Hannah they are trying but can't afford much due to only mom working
I was just reading back over your comments. Why don't you think he'd take care of your son? He has little to no contact with 2 of his 3 children and you don't trust him to take care of his 3rd. Shouldn't that tell you everything you need to know?
@Rhiannon, how about then?
@Hannah I'm just being over protective since it's my 1st baby n I'm worried something could go wrong if I'm not home and that he'll be zoned out or something , but he's never shown anything that I can't leave my son with him it's just how my mind thinking
@Rhiannon, it's understandable to be worried, but to say, "I'm worried he'll not take care of our son" just seems different. Like there is a legitimate concern.
@Hannah I do most of child care
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@Rhiannon, that doesn't really answer my concern. This is your life, though, and you know your partner better than anyone. I do 90% of the childcare in my little family, but I have zero issues leaving my son with my partner because I trust he'll look after him. Have since the day he was born.
@Hannah I'm just worried he won't wake up with little man in the middle of the night when he wakes up (he's sleeping more at night but not the full night some days ) and fiance is a hard sleeper pretty much can sleep threw anything and I go bk to working nights in a few days
Leave him, sounds like he is cheating