@Neena thanks girl!! He truly never goes out with anyone! I think I’ve had one little issues with lack of communication/things that don’t feel respectful to me and so this just blew that all up for me!! 😭 I appreciate for view to calm me down. He finally just came home. I explained I wasn’t happy and why and then said I’d talk to him tomorrow.
I’ve been there. The worst part is that he could end up driving drunk and you don’t want that! I’d usually just relentlessly text him and be like “please get an Uber!!!”
Since it sounds like this isn't normal. Cut him some slack but also have a conversation about expectations and communication.
I'd be annoyed BUT I wouldn't bombard him with texts. Especially if it's not something he normally does. I'd just send a "just let me know youre good and I'll see you when you get home. I love you." Kind of message. Then we would talk about it either when he got home if he's sober and not exhausted or we'd talk about it in the morning. Because either he confirmed take out with you and then blew you off...or he never confirmed and just never bothered to hit you back at noon....that is a problem. I'd want him to know that I want him to have fun and to enjoy himself and to communicate with me about plans or about a change of plans is all.
If this is not his normal behaviour I would give him a pass just this one time. Yes would be pissed at lack of communication and having to deal with 3 kids on my own, but in the grand scheme of things I couldn’t get worked up about it. If he had good relationships with his co-workers, he probably just got carried away and time slipped away having a good time. That’s life and he’s an adult. When he’s home and sober, remind him about the lack of courtesy and respect to let you know where he was, but don’t lecture him about it. He can make it up to you by giving you a lie-in on Sunday and looking after the kids all day whilst you can go out and get pampered, have a massage, get your nails done etc 🤣