
I’m so annoyed with my husband. He was at work all day (he owns the business picks his damn hours has full staff) I’ve been home all day with a teething baby who only wants me not mil. All I asked him to do was either make dinner (burgers) or give her a bath. He chose dinner, after 40 fucking mins in the shower himself I give her a bath for him to tell me mom made Indian food. Like if I say I don’t want that I’m the bad guy bc she made it for us but how hard was it to REMEMBER to tell her “oh I’m making burgers mom, you eat” all I’ve had all day was 2 scrambled eggs and just wanted a god damn burger and fries now I have to eat Indian food that I don’t want so not to upset my mil bc she didn’t have to make it for us all he had to do was fucking remember to say 4 damn words!
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Did I write this? I feel you

Awww I’m so sorry you are going through this right now. Thank you for venting how your feelings. I know it’s so hard with women we juggle it all. The men take these long showers and we always have to shower with babies. Have you had the space to explain to your husband you are burned out and just want a burger ? Have you tried babywearing so you can eat or all touched out ? I have to sometimes wear my daughter so I can make a meal :/ Also, going through the same thing currently with my baby with teething and Velcro and not wanting anyone except me. I’m here if you need to talk.

She hates the baby carrier, she’s fine if she doesn’t see me but then someone talks to me and I respond and bam. Yes I’ve told him a million times when I’m overwhelmed but his stupid man brain doesn’t comprehend that. I sat in the kitchen and had my dinner and all I heard was my baby screaming bc dada was doing everything wrong lol I took my time eating. How hard s it to put the baby in a sleep sack give her a bottle if she doesn’t want the bottle give her the paci. How is she asleep in .10 seconds once I got her 🤷🏻‍♀️ or maybe she was just being fussy bc she’s teething and wanted me. Either way it’s his fault

Yeah I’ve noticed this is a phase they go through they want momma but not anyone else and they won’t even let anyone else put them to sleep without a fight.

The only thing I can say is that this sucks, I’m so sorry, and it’s a phase. It’s so so hard to see while you’re in it, but it does pass!! 🫶🏼

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