@Paulina significant other and stay at home mum x
Dang.... That's rough, I hope you'll voice your feelings and your relationship will end up better for it 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🥹
You aren’t single but it sounds like you are solo parenting. Only you can change it though
@Lauryn change it by leaving? Because this is a conversation we have had before. He seems to struggle with consistency
He needs a harsh reality check. If my LO (1) wakes up early at weekends I will take her downstairs- I’m an early bird anyways so doesn’t really bother me. However when it gets to 7/7:30 I’d then be bringing LO up to our bedroom and waking him up. He doesn’t just get to sleep till whenever he likes. He’s a dad he has responsibilities too. Boxers for work.. I’m sure he knows where the washing machine is. As for the house a mess- I prefer to do it over him 😂😂😂 but that’s fine- he can watch/ play with the kids whilst you crack on and do it. It shouldn’t all be on you. If nothing changed though I’d be miserable and seriously debate leaving. You could do way better hes acting like a child
@Hollie we had a conversation and things changed for a bit seems to be going back. I admit I didn’t wake him up this time because he didn’t feel too good last night. The house isn’t a mess it’s mostly just nitpicking at things he can pick up. He will see me sweep or something and he will sometimes do it like 15 minutes after me lol
I’m just curious what the “SO” and “SAHM” means? 🤦🏼♀️