Should I be upset or not

So me and my husband went out last night for dinner with some friends My husbands parents was looking after our LO he’s almost 5 months old. all they had to do was feed him around 8pm and then put him to bed at 8:45-9pm, we explained how much milk he drinks how to use the prep machine, explained how to get him to sleep, what he wears etc as we left we asked if they need us to re explain anything, we got the typical nah we’ll be fine blah blah blah. We come home around 9:45 and our LO is literally screaming and crying with tears down his face, upset me coming home to see my little boy in such a state, they said they couldn’t get him to sleep so they gave him calpol to calm him down, this really upset me that they would give him calpol to try and calm him down, I did say how I felt to them and afterwards I spoke to my husband about the situation and he said I shouldn’t be upset as they were just trying to help and doing a nice thing for us as I don’t go out very often, and now I feel so guilty for leaving our LO and how I reacted to the calpol situation, I would have rather that they rang or text asking if we can come home as they were struggling to get him to sleep
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They should never have given him medication without first asking you, that’s so bad!! Fair enough bubba struggled to go to bed but they should have phoned you

Tbh they might have thought he was uncomfortable. He could have woken up crying. I'd fully expect my parents or in laws to give calpol

It’s only natural you would be upset. I would be as well and it’s your right as a mummy. However, both sets of grandparents raised their own babies, they tried their hardest last night. Times have changed in terms of ways of doing things. It’s a learning journey for them as well as you. I’ve noticed this with my MIL, I gave to tell/ remind her about lots of things... You’ve expressed your upset already, maybe have a sit down with the grandparents show them what you do to help him if he’s crying, as every baby is different. Perhaps set some boundaries on medication/ when to call e.g. What seems like common sense to you, may just need clearing up for them. :) Don’t let this ruin your relationship with them, it’s amazing they offered to help out and spend time with him. Lots of children don’t have that opportunity for whatever reason. 🤗 ❤️

My in laws did this as well at 3 months and I haven't trusted them to look after her since. Calpol is medicine and they don't know if you'd given her a dose before leaving which could have negative consequences on your little one. Babies crying is not a reason to drug them with medicine. They are clearly not fit to babysit and I wouldn't trust them again until your little one is much much older. I definitely won't be!!!

@Catalina thank you

I think they should have at least called or messaged you to ask you first.

Calpol to calm him down 😩 WTF! I'd be so upset too. If they'd thought he was teething or had a fever I'd understand but they should have immediately called you to say listen he's really unsettled and we'd like to give him calpol/ have given him some if it was a fever. People saying you'd have come home... Yeah?! And that's not a bad thing. You'd be more likely to go out again if your in-laws respected you more as parents and you could trust them. Yes they raised kids but the way they did it back then was their choice to raise their kids, that's not now and it's not their baby. Their role is different now - and they shouldn't have over stepped like that.

@Catalina this was my reaction. I thought I was bugging reading the other comments. I’d be fuming!

@Claire luckily my husband agreed with my response and he brings it up all the time to them! It really isn't on. The whole "they're of another generation" is no excuse imo

Did they give him the right amount of bottle, sounds like he was hungry!

Unfortunately, if we get the older generation to look after our LO's, they have a different way of parenting. They 100% should have asked or informed you of what they were doing. But they were giving you time to let your hair down. As long as no real harm was done, I think maybe explain your side to them and just let it go. I hope you had a good night out x

@Catalina as much as I can sympathise with this post, what you are saying doesn’t make much sense. Wouldn’t you be sure to tell the people looking after LO he/she had medicine before you left? Just as a precaution

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