This sounds like every “friend” who used me for rides, money, therapy, literally anything. If she was a decent friend she would ask you how you are and if you need anything since you are on medication and can’t sensibly get around. I can tell you are very strong and you deserve better friends than that I’m sorry you have to deal with this drama
I accidentally clicked “you’re a hypocrite” but no, I think she is being petty and your feelings are valid
@Layla Caron I’ve just seen this and it has made me think. I am going to distance myself from her for a while. Not necessarily because of this incident, but her general attitude towards me. I wouldn’t accept it from a friend, much less my own sister. It really is clear that unless I am doing or paying for something on her behalf, she is not interested. The reality is that she has been bitter towards me ever since finding out about my pregnancy. Thank you so much!
I accidentally clicked ‘you’re a hypocrite’ 🫣😅 Not what I think at all! Your feelings are very valid. Her attitude is very immature and you deserve a lot better. 😊
Please feel free to text me any time💕
She sounds very immature