Crawling is 7-12m, clapping can take up to 15m, waving is 8-12m. My girls not doing any of these either. Loads of time yet dont stress or compare, they will do it in their own time
The only thing in your list that I’d be concerned about is the sitting. If he’s struggling with the core strength to remain sitting, it will impact his ability to reach other milestones. Don’t worry that you have to put him in the position. If he’s stable and confident in sitting then he still has time for the other things.
My niece didn't want to do anything till she was about 14 months old, she was just happy being a little potato. Although my LO is crawling & standing she has only laughed a handful of times 🫠 I know its hard not to compare, they will do it in there own time. If it helps settle your nerves maybe talk to your doctor or health visitor about it.
They all do things in their own time. My LO is only just starting to move about, definitely still not crawling though. My friends baby was standing up by 5/6 months and my baby couldn't even sit! But he's only just started clapping whereas my LO has been clapping for 2 weeks now but still not crawling and we're 10 months now 🥴 Picking up food and throwing it is a good thing! One of their skills - although it may not seem like it! He'll get there mumma. You're doing great, just go with the flow and enjoy whilst he's still a little cute potato before you start moaning about him being non stop on the move all the time! 🤪 I'm definitely making sure I get all the cuddles right now x