Some days, but i know that I need to work to help provide for my family. We can't afford for me to go part time or stop working either
Is remote work with an in home babysitter for important meetings and focus work sessions an option? That's what I do. Not working isn't an option for me either.
I’ve worked in law since I had my children, which is highly demanding. I’m gone for weeks, sometimes a month for trial. What I will say is make the most of the time you do have, make sure when they’re old enough they understand why you’re gone so often, and you will be fine. My sons and I have an incredible bond and from everything I hear from friends, family, their schools, it’s only pride in their mom and how hard I work.
Not at all. My kids are very much attached to both of us and we both work full time or multiple jobs
I gave birth 2 months ago to our second baby. Plan was for me to stay home at least the first, two year or more but I feel guilty for putting all the weight on my husband even though he’s okay if I stayed home with the kids, but it’s my choice if I want to or not as well. We need a two income household too because everything and everywhere is expensive where we’re at.
I work 2nd shift so I still get time with my son before work
No. But because I work from home and can see him a couple of times a day. I would definitely feel terrible if I would have to work out of the house and not seeing him the whole day.
I don’t feel guilty!! My husband and i both make over 6 figures and both continue to work full time. We have extra money to save for baby’s college, stock market, savings, and to take yearly trips and do fun things with our baby on the weekends and after work. I personally was in daycare at 3 months old as both of my parents worked full time to give me a great life and I think I turned out just fine and have absolutely no attachment issues
@Sandi I work from home, but I work as an economist in a consulting company. Everything is focus work. My day is divided between meetings and focus work. I would need a full-time nanny in LA, it would be twice the cost of daycare at least.
@Nika I think we are in a similar situation. I work as an economist in healthcare antitrust. I like my job. But it takes a lot from me. I have learned to put more boundaries.
@Kelly I was in daycare since 4 months old. I don’t have a good relationship with my mom, but it is not because of daycare. Thank you for saying that!
No, my kids need a roof over their heads and food in their bellies. No issues with a bond, my toddler is my shadow xx
Not at all! My seven month old has a college savings account and we’re putting money away so we can help him buy a house later down the road. And he’s going to private school when he’s school age. Things I wish my parents did for me. I work a hybrid schedule and I’m home most days with a nanny. I think my son gets the best me and I love my job too
@Sarah this!! SAHM act like if you work you miss everything and your children aren’t going to be able to bond with you. My son is attached to my hip haha. And I’m able to provide for a cushy future for him
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@Sika we also have started saving for her college tuition as soon as she was born, which is easier for us because we have two incomes. Thank you for helping me seeing the bright side!
Of course🫶🏾 the amount of money that women lose from being out of the workplace for 5 years is insane. Free money (employer 401k contributions etc) in my opinion isn’t worth sitting at home all day with a baby and going stir crazy lol
I don't feel guilty. I would feel guilty if I didn’t have money to provide for my kids.