I’m still trying fo figure it out myself
I give you ladies all the grace in the world. I just established Paternity with my children's father and I'm so overwhelmed for the thought of one day I will be in this situation with my daugher. Her father is a little difficult and he does things that I don't agree with.... he has alot of females that are in our business and tomorrow I am meeting some of his family and not gonna lie I'm just praying that it goes well. It's just awkward for me forreal
I have 60/40 with my 17mo. I feel terrible when he's away. I definitely understand the feeling. It's hard😪
I was just coming on here to vent about this. I cry every day thinking about this nightmare that I’m in.
Do yall have lawyers? Therapists? I need both 😪
My husband had 39% and the parent guilt is very real for him. The spoilage to shoving so much into a very short 4 day visitation. And he doesn’t discipline at all.
I understand where you are coming from