Thoughts on this - am I overthinking

So I have a toddler son. Who my mum his grandma takes him out every so often with her friends. I’ve met them about 4 times in person. Since he’s become a toddler they always ask my mum if they can take him out all together even wanting to take him to lap land for 4 nights. I find it strange that they wanna spend so much time with him with me being there. If they don’t like me I don’t get why they think I would let them have my son so often or at all. I don’t trust my mum with him because of things that have happened in the past and she overrides my decision with my son with most things and who he spends time with. Unfortunately I have to work and I’m trying to cut the cost of nursery fees so he now stays with her one day a week. There’s a couple people my mum takes my son around who have nothing nice to say about me & talking to my son about going to town again and I was shocked because I didn’t know and I told my mum don’t take my son to their house again we not been friends for years and her and her husband are quite disrespectful toward me because my mum asked me to be her bridesmaid and I declined - seeing as we hadn’t spoken in years and the friendship was one sided as soon as I stopped making effort never heard from her again. I don’t want to argue with my mum overstepping my boundaries again as she says she understands then goes and does what she wants. I don’t understand people wanting to be around my son knowing that they don’t particularly like his mother. I just find it really strange. Is this normal am I overthinking it? I don’t trust a lot of people and I do worry about my son a lot of especially when he’s in my mums care.
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i 1000% understand u & its strange i always say if u dont like me there is no way you’ll like my daughter shes literally came out of me lol

Are you sure they don't like you, I assume these ladies are older, in general older people love kids and miss when their kids were little or really want geandkids etc, and they probably do like your kid. Your kid is a different person to you, so just because they may not like you they may like your child, with your mum over riding your not sure how to combat that one

@Kat yes my mum plays victim and it’s Annoying. She’s not trustworthy and have broke my trust over and over regarding my child. I would love to be able to have my son to be able to stay with his grandma more often but I’m not willing to with someone who isn’t trustworthy. That’s my heart right there. They’re my mums age late 40s. One has a child a year older than mine and the other one has an 8 and 15 year old so I don’t get what the issue is and I find it quite rude tbh.

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