@Tillie it’s hard to know what to do! There’s so many things people say to avoid when pregnant 😂 thank you! Xx
@Holly yep 100% hahaha! I was so so paranoid in first pregnancy but then it also kind ruined my pregnancy a little because I just didn’t want to do anything lol, I was also high risk so more scary, but this time round I have to do life and do some stuff I probs even shouldn’t do but I have a toddler to look after and chase around lol so can’t be helped! But baby boy is fine and happy and thriving in there! But you do whatever you feel is right it’s your pregnancy and your body xx
I was discussing this exact same thing with my husband last night! It’s my second pregnancy, and I will be avoiding the farm animals (will go to the soft play there and outdoor walks etc, but not the barn). It’s lambing season soon, and it would be great for my toddler to go and see the baby animals, but there are notices around about toxomoplasis risk for pregnant women. Wondering if it’s ok to send my toddler and I stay clear or whether she can go and we just make sure we wash her hands thoroughly after (as per usual!). Thoughts?
@Aswiny it’s my second pregnancy too and I want my toddler to do all the fun things! But you are right with lambing season coming up, if u want to avoid it if ur choice, I should think sending ur toddler should be fine just throughly washing their hands and changing their clothes when they come in maybe to be extra precautionary? Xx
Yea that’s what I’m thinking too.. also, should we be more careful with toddler going to see the farm animals (we have a membership) once the baby comes? Cos the baby’s immune system is so low for the first few months?
@Aswiny I think at least until they’ve had their first set of jabs xx
That’s what we thought too! Good to chat through with someone! Thanks. Hope my toddler also takes a keen interest in something other than animals for the next few months 😆
@Aswiny no worries xx
I’m from farm background and work as an animal meds advisor 🤗 just don’t touch new born animals the biggest risk is from the afterbirth and birth fluids. Wash your hands thoroughly after and don’t put your face near them. Most of it is common sense so don’t worry 😊 x
@Jess thank you so much, that’s made me feel so much better xx
You’re fine, just keep washing your hands too. I’ve gotta entertain my almost 2 year old some how so I’ve been to a few 🤣
i’m pretty sure i’ve seen something online about avoiding newborn lambs when pregnant but god knows why, just wash your hands if you touch anything like you would (hopefully) anyway
Following on from my comment earlier, People with cats and dogs be careful too. Especially with cat litter trays! Make sure your pets are up to date with worming too as once baby is here you don’t want them giving your baby worms. It happens more than you’d think. A farmer customer of mine actually said the other day, his wife who is a nurse has seen lots of women recently with toxoplasmosis situations x
I live on a farm, and we have sheep. I won't be lambing any sheep this year but always around them. As long as you don't touch or go near anything that's recently given birth (includes all Livestock). The diseases are not air born. This is the official advice https://www.gov.uk/guidance/pregnancy-advice-on-contact-with-animals-that-are-giving-birth
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I am a sheep and beef farmer, live on a farm and I also have work as a farm animal medicine advisor. You’ll be absolutely fine as long as you don’t touch newborn lambs. Technically you should not be in a shed with lambing sheep either due to the risk of Enzootic disease, however, if you do happen to be in the lambing areas then you should take precautions such as wearing a disposable mask and gloves and I would still avoid touching animals even with precautions. You should thoroughly wash your hands after being near any livestock. It also goes without saying, farm animals can be dangerous and unpredictable. Even the cute little fluffy sheep🤣You should take as many precautions as you can to make sure you don’t get hurt although it’s unlikely you would be able to get that close if it’s a petting farm you are visiting (but accidents still happen)
You will be fine just wash your hands after!
You can go to farms aslong as you don’t go near, pregnant ewe’s or ewes that are lambing as they can give off a hormone which can cause effects to baby!x
I was really really paranoid during my first pregnancy and didn’t go anywhere like this didn’t even eat canned soup for some reason hahah thought coz it was canned I couldn’t🤣🤣😭😭but now that I have a 14 month old and 25 weeks pregnant I have to do life I can’t wrap myself up in wool but my point is, most things are ok just when ur being precautionary! So yes farm is fine I’ve been twice with my daughter this pregnancy just made sure to wash my hands thoroughly and didn’t touch any animals and especially stayed further back from the lambs/sheep xx