I feel this too. My little girl is the exact same. By tea time I’m overstimulated and touched out. X
Im a straight to the point mum. Shout or demand you go in your room. Im not taking no shit from a toddler
It’s just so hard isn’t it 🙃 I have adhd so I keep struggling to be able to do tasks when hes shouting or whinging or touching me and I forget things 🙉 I booked the day off work today so I can clean while he’s at nursery and having such a fun day with music blaring and no moaning toddler but I also am missing him 😂 he’s also smashes two tvs in 2 weeks during tantrums so he has no tv to keep him busy when I clean which makes it harder for me cos I am refusing to buy a new one till he learns he can’t just get new things
Feel like I could have written this myself honestly 😅 whilst ever he's demanding and shouting at me, I just ignore him because it's driving me up the wall and I make him wait until I'm ready. I'm hoping it's just one the many phases they go through!