Overstimulating toddler

Is anyone else’s toddler really overstimulating for your brain constantly? My little one never stops he’s never quiet he always wants to be shouting, climbing on me, demanding I play or demanding I fetch him things. He keeps saying at the moment he’s hungry constantly even while he’s eating and demanding something else or something more. Even watching tv he keeps wanting to change what he’s watching every few minutes. I give him loads of activities to do painting, coloring, water play let him go outside. But he gets bored so quickly. Even typing this out in my phone has taken me over 20 minutes cos he keeps shouting at me demanding everything that pops into his head🙉 it’s making basic tasks like washing dishes or doing laundry take triple the time and the stress. Just don’t know how to get him to understand he has to wait.
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Feel like I could have written this myself honestly 😅 whilst ever he's demanding and shouting at me, I just ignore him because it's driving me up the wall and I make him wait until I'm ready. I'm hoping it's just one the many phases they go through!

I feel this too. My little girl is the exact same. By tea time I’m overstimulated and touched out. X

Im a straight to the point mum. Shout or demand you go in your room. Im not taking no shit from a toddler

It’s just so hard isn’t it 🙃 I have adhd so I keep struggling to be able to do tasks when hes shouting or whinging or touching me and I forget things 🙉 I booked the day off work today so I can clean while he’s at nursery and having such a fun day with music blaring and no moaning toddler but I also am missing him 😂 he’s also smashes two tvs in 2 weeks during tantrums so he has no tv to keep him busy when I clean which makes it harder for me cos I am refusing to buy a new one till he learns he can’t just get new things

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