Honestly, I wouldn’t cope with it. He would get a job or have to go. My husband was inconsistent at one time. When we first met, he also had two jobs but that slowly went down to one and then he was all over the place. I got to the point where I couldn’t take it anymore and I gave him ultimatum. If he didn’t get a job or start a business that actually made money then I wanted out. Let’s just say we’re still together and he has been making money ever since.
Unfortunately this has been going on for now 3 years. It's constant excuses. He blames my hours for why he "can't work" tells everyone my "shit job has shitty hours" and also tells people "she won't let me work". I've thrown his ass under the bus multiple times to the people who have told me he told them I wouldn't let him work. Idc. I'm so tired of defending him to everyone. I stopped talking to his birth mom, she said come to her for stuff. I did. Then he came home and started screaming at me for talking to his mom. AFTER her TOLD ME TO. Like. I'm so fed up. I am just too terrified for us to split cuz I do not want to share custody with him. He's a terrible human being and my son has been screaming at me for things recently after him witnessing his father screaming in my face. He's not even a year old yet y'all. And my husband has a 14yr old that he doesn't even send child support to or care for. His mom (and me a couple times) has.
The roommate syndrome during early parenting years is a very very common phenomenon. Unfortunately, there are way too many opportunities for resentment to compound with layers of new papercuts each day. At the end of the say you have to decide what you are willing to put up with and visualize what kind of interactions you actually want in your life.