@Bria it's caused so many arguments but im getting fed up now. Might approach the subject that way though as April is literally around the corner. I hope so. He's been like this for around 2 and a bit weeks, but he has his top teeth coming in aswell. Thank you x
Yeah he won’t have any excuses and frankly more men need to pull their finger out to help out! My husband works full time but still helps out and gets up in the night!! If we’re having a reallly bad night then I’ll stay up from 11pm-3/4am and then he will take over so he gets a good solid sleep as I’m use to the little sleep and if I get a few hours in the morning I’m usually ok and can nap! But yeah just a like I’m going back to work so you’ll need to help out in the nights soon so let’s start to get use to it so it’s not a shock and oh btw I’m going out with the girls on x date! You need you time without the baby! Get your nails done or see a friend for lunch anything!! Or take your self out for all of that! Xx
I might be out of place here but I’d be so resentful towards my partner. My husband does all the night feeds (formula fed baby so easier for us). Yes he has work but looking after a baby is also a ‘job’. I look after him from 6:00/6:30am - 5:30pm. Then when my husband finished work at 5:30pm he then gives me an hour to myself and then I ‘clock off’ once baby is in bed at 7:30pm/8:00pm. This way I get a bit of me time everyday and get a decent sleep. It’ll be different when I go back to work next month but he’s a co parent. I refuse to he the default parent when he’s not at work. I also schedule nights out on top of this as having a social life is so important. I hope having an open and frank conversation with your partner will help them see it from your side. Also what helped my partner was me having full days and nights away. Then he realised how full on it is looking after baby boy. It’s easier for him as he works from home so can roll out of bed rather than commuting.
@Julia i have tried to have open conversation with him about it but it just turned into an argument. I'm so tired all of the time, and i feel it's even more so due to him not pulling his weight as much. It's going to kill.me going back to work if he doesn't step up x
What’s he going to do if you have to stay late at work or want to go out in the evening?? Has that even happened yet? I don’t get why it would turn into an argument as it needs to happen and be spoken about he can’t turn a blind eye to it when the time comes as it will bite him right in the arse! What about if you been ill has he helped??? X
Men are useless sometimes! Put a date in the diary and say you’re out with friends no matter what and he can do the whole thing. Saying that I was out last night, came home at half 12 and both kids were crying while he was trying to make a bottle in the kitchen with all lights on and hubby admitted he didn’t wake up straight away and no idea how long they were crying for 🙈 he’s done nights before while I’m out but apparently didn’t even remember to wash and take bottles upstairs to make up in the room! I’ve been back to work for 2 weeks now and I swear he doesn’t remember I went to work most days and I’m doing it all still and his reasoning is he’s working 7 days a week and I do 4. I’m getting so frustrated with it all as he’s home the same time as me everyday so could do so much more!
I know. It hasnt yet. Don't get me wrong he foes help during the day of he's hone to an extent. He still doesn't help on night if I'm poorly no.
@Hayley it's so frustrating! I'm dreading going back to work fir this reason x
I’m sorry 😞. That sounds really tough. X
The men need to realise being a SAHM is a full time job too! You need to start getting him to do half the night shifts to prepare for when you do go back to work and just put in some time your out with the girls one day a week or so, so he can solo parent! Just start setting boundaries like waking in the night which is something he will have to get use to when you go back as there’s no more excuse of work in the morning as you both have it so you’ll both be tired sometimes! Baby will go back to sleeping we had a week of being good in the evening and a wake or 2 at night but now he’s got a cold, tummy bug and cut his first tooth so many wakes in the evening and night! You got this! 🩷