
Recently I've been feeling so down and depressed because I never get anything done specifically for me. I don't have time in the day to do something that's just for me. My daughter is with me all the time. She comes with me to work and she's with me when I'm working from home. Her dad watches her when he's home, but it's mostly me getting things done for all of us. Cooking, sorting, what have you. don't have a support system to fall back on. Even at night when she's in bed, the last few weeks I know that 30-45 minutes after she's gone to sleep, that she'll be waking up as she has been like clockwork. So I have enough time to get ready for bed and that's about it. I need some me time, but I feel guilty for feeling that way. Either way it brings me down. I guess this is more of a rant than anything. But I figured getting off my chest might help.
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You don't need to feel guilty for wanting some time for yourself. All Mum's need time to relax at some point. Otherwise, we are pouring from an empty cup, which isn't good for anyone x

Idk what your evening schedule looks like but one thing we have started doing is to have my husband take care of our daughter till he goes to bed around ten. It's just 2 hours but it's really helped me to have time to get ready for bed and take a nice shower. Then I will sit down and watch a episode or do some reading with some tea. It has done a world of good for my peace of mind.

I feel you, I am in the same boat. My partner also is under high pressure with his job and I can’t 100% rely on his support. Family support is sparse… mum guilt is real but I am sort of looking forward when his nursery starts. 🙈

I took a short while today to try and get a hand full of seeds planted. I guess I just need to keep trying to grab some moments here and there. Our schedule is kind of dumb. My husband starts work a little after 6 a couple days and at seven on others. I know it's not soooooo early, but we both get up extra early to get ourselves ready, to get our girl ready and I have to get my mom (who's in her 80s) up and make her breakfast before we go. We try to have about 30-45 minutes to sit and relax with our daughter before leaving since she's way too cranky if we just get up and go. My husband starts nodding off with the white noise for our daughter. He's usually asleep before my daughter. Plus she hasn't properly settled down with him trying to get her to bed since she was 3 months.

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