@Raqi I do if I plan a week in advance. Other time is morning during the week and kids wake up early and I get to sleep in but I do night time every night.
Next Sunday you should do what he did to you today. Tell him you want breakfast, have him get the kids ready, and send him off with them while you do whatever you want
@Raqi good point. Take a day for myself too, frustrating that it was last min after we were ready to start our day
Do it to him next time then, sorry but I wouldn't allow it not last minute that is quiet frankly taking the p*ss
@Becky right! It would turn into a huge argument if I don’t give in, it’s definitely disrespectful to me
Absolutely, I'm all for giving my partner "me time" and vice versa, but this is a joke especially when you're getting the kids ready and making breakfast rushing about to get out the door
Do you get alone time at all?