I understand! Whenever we get invited over someone house for supper or whatever, i always tell them we cant stay long because of the kids. So we eat and then we say sorry we gotta go. Then they start insisting and getting mad that were leaving early. But like i have young kids. I stick to a routine. I cant keep them up for hours after their bedtime because you forgot how it is having kids.
It’s soooo stressful & irritating… and honestly it makes me never want to go anywhere or do anything because I’m always scared things are gonna get thrown off even more if I go do something and his nap gets pushed back. I even have family trynna tell me he will sleep anywhere? Like who? This boy does not sleep anywhere
Literally tonight was so bad he got to the point of being overtired and it was just so stressful for me. I feel like crying. Sometimes I feel like a bad mom because he’s constantly overtired and I feel like because I’m so stressed & tired & don’t have a village… that it makes it so much harder for me to read my baby. I used to be so good at it and on point with his sleeping that now it’s just so hard for me
I HATE stuff like this… like I live with my kid… you don’t know them like I do.