Tell Me Something Positive Please

My husband has 10 kids. I’m pregnant with his 11th. I have 3 and this will be my 4th biological child. All of his kids are grown except 3.. one of the three is about to be 18 this year so he will just have 2 under 18. I only have 1 child under 18 right now and he’s 16. All of this to say.. I don’t think my husband is excited AT ALL about this baby. Don’t get me wrong. He ASKED ME to have a baby by him when we got married. I waited a LONG time (4 years into the marriage) to make sure that’s what I wanted to do. I got pregnant in 2023 and lost my baby. I felt bad because he was able to have all of these kids with other women but my baby didn’t make it. Then this little blessing came and I was ecstatic! And he’s ideal honestly.. he goes to every doctor’s appointment, he cooks breakfast for me every morning.. he rubs my feet. He packs my lunch bag daily and makes sure I take my vitamins. But it’s like the idea of having a baby isn’t exciting to him like it is to me. Case example.. I tried throwing him a Dads and Diapers Watch Party for the Super Bowl. He invited NOBODY. None of his friends or family members or anything. Everybody here is my son or my mother’s friend. And a few of my friends. And my older kids and their friends. Why wouldn’t he invite people to the party? Not even his older kids.. it’s annoying to think that he’s done this so many times until this is just another pregnancy to him and he’s not really concerned about celebrating anything until the baby gets here. Am I being too sensitive?
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To me he seems ready to have this baby with you. Maybe today wasn’t the day to have a party for him, it’s kinda a big day for some people and they wouldn’t have came even if he did invite them. Maybe try having a conversation with him about why he didn’t invite anyone.

Idk it’s his 11th so maybe that’s why there’s no joy. But it doesn’t seem like he doesn’t want the baby given everything he’s been doing especially with the vitamin. I’d say have a conversation with him about how u feel

Is he just not a party/celebration person? The fact that he is being so supportive of you and the pregnancy makes me think that he does want the baby. My partner would never throw a party or invite his folks for a celebration but he is certainly excited to be having a baby. He is usually the first one to tell folks about the pregnancy. But not going to make a celebration at all.

Honestly the fact he does all of that for you I feel is his way of showing you he is happy about it. Everyone reacts to pregnancy differently and that doesn’t mean he is any less excited! He shows you every day he is. My partner has wanted a baby all his life and we got rather 5 years ago. Now at 41 we how our first on the way and he is so happy, okay he doesn’t sit and chat to the bump every day or even bonds with bump per se but he is dedicated to go to every appointment and makes sure he is there for me when I need him and even waxed my legs last night. That’s just their way it’s so much harder for a man because they are really connected to the baby until they’re born, I wouldn’t take offense to it and perhaps that kind of party just isn’t his style it’s not the same for men xx

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