Should I give up BF?

Baby gets hysterical and inconsolable during feeding, arching back, crying, and won't latch.. vicious cycle goes on for about 20 minutes until he eventually eats for about 5 minutes.. Help!!!
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I would try and speak to a lactation consultant or health visitor referral first as this doesn’t sound normal. My son will fuss at the boob sometimes but not for 20 minutes coming off and on or crying like that. He does only feed for about 5 minutes each time though he’s always been fast.

My son is currently doing this if I try to nurse sitting upright. But if I lay down he’ll nurse okay. I think he’s just distracted by everything around. I find a darker, quiet room helps.

Have you spoke to gp or health visitor?

Could be reflux / silent reflux or an allergy depending on other symptoms

It's always an option to pump, that will still give your special milk to baba xx

My son did this and he was later diagnosed with CMPA. Definitely worth speaking to your health visitor, GP etc. it may not be that of course but they will have more insight into possible reasons/alternative support.

How old is babe? 3-4 months our breasts transition from "always available" to "baby you've got to work for it" This leads to fussing and assumed low supply. Often our milk changes tastes (typically salty) leading up to menstruation too. Also leads to assumed lowered supply. Persistence is key in all circumstances.

Please don’t give up if you don’t want to but definitely seek help from a lactation consultant. I was in the same boat, very upsetting but so glad I didn’t give up. Please know your not the only one who has experienced this and so whatever you feel is best for you and your little one x

You haven't said age and what you've tried so far

4 months old.. I've been seeing an infant feeding specialist since Christmas and no such luck..

I was having to same experience with my baby plus hair loss and exhaustion. I quit for my sanity. I have more energy and my relationship with baby has improved bc there’s no anxiety about eating from both of us.

OP, sounds like it could definitely be the 4 month fussies. Once baby works out they need to work for their feeds, it'll be so much easier.

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