Why is childcare so difficult? I never thought it would be this complicated and hard!

Please someone tell me it won’t always be like this! I’m on a phased return to work, I’ve done three days so far and I’m returning full time (but little one looked after by my husband at home on two of the days). My mum is looking after little one one day a week and she’ll go to a childminder two days a week. So far, my mum was ill my first day back and was supposed to be having her, then my little one was sick the next day back. I’m working tomorrow, and my childminder text saying she’s ill and has to close tomorrow. It all feels ridiculously stressful and I just keep talking to my employer about a new problem each time! How is this possible? What do parents even do in this situation?! Do you just not work the entirety of winter because everyone is ill?
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It's pretty standard, I'm afraid. In the first few months of nursery both my kids were off sick constantly, too. They catch absolutely everything. It's rough and you feel like you're letting everyone down but in reality there's very little you can do but weather the storm. You'll be ok!

The first few weeks they go it’ll be hell, they’ll meet kids who come from school and other places with sickness and illnesses little ones never had, but eventually they lump it, I’ve had a childminder too and unfortunately when their sick they don’t get stand ins, so it is a matter of just finding other child care or calling in sick! However there’s so many positives to a childminder that outweigh this!

It’s crap! My boyfriend and I have started taking it in turns to take time off when needed.

It's rubbish! We chose a nursery so that if a staff member was ill it wouldn't matter!

My girl went to a childminder initially but I swapped her to a nursery after about 4 months as there were several times the childminder was ill or their child was ill so she couldn’t have my daughter. It become too stressful as I would have to take days off etc. nursery is better for that option. With family looking after them, there’s always a chance they will be poorly or another emergency will come up. Your employer should understand that. You might just have to use some holiday days in that situation

Bring baby with you to work lol 😂 I did this with my nephew when my sis would go MIA he was 2yo It didn’t happen often so my company allowed me to do it whenever I couldn’t find someone to watch him

I’ve had a childminder for almost 3 years! They’ve only ever called in sick once as she had a mini heart attack! If you find a good one, you’ve got a life changer! She’s been my little boys best friend his whole life!

This is why I'm using a nursery, as I can't be doing with the care provider needing to cancel. At least if one person is off at the nursery the whole place won't close!

Unfortunately for the 1st 6 months or so it's pretty standard and nightmare juggle of sick children/carers. Nursery just means they get ill more as they mix more. It does settle down and to be fair this time of year really is the worst for it. X

I think the first few months are the worst for your child catching bugs when they start nursery and on top of that, you’ve got winter and that comes with its own challenges. We don’t have family willing to help with consistently with childcare so had no option but to go with a nursery. In a way, it’s worked out for the best because we’ve never had to keep him at home due to staff sickness. Of course, he gets ill (not so much now, touch wood). But when this does happen either me or my partner need to take time away from work to look after him. Your employer will understand. Especially as your daughter is so young ❤️ x

I’ve had this the whole winter. My girl goes to nursery 2 days a week and my mum 2 days. I’ve had mum be ill so had to take time off and my girl catches something new from nursery every week she goes. I feel super awful for going off work when I’m not sick myself

I think you should calm down and relax. People are ill, what can they do? I live in the UK so if you are sick you should definitely stay home and not work while you’re still contagious during the first few days of your illness, if it’s viral. It’s not something you can control. If they’re sick they’re sick. It’s completely normal to even take a while off just because you’re sick here in the UK. I would just tell your manager in advance that everyone is sick, including your OWN CHILD, so if anything happens you should be able to take an hour out to come and look after them. A good manager/employer should understand that. It’s part of life.

Working in a nursery, it’s pretty standard they and you will catch literally everything! When baby 2 is born and I’m due to go back, I’ll be sending them earlier than planned and I’ll go back a couple of weeks later so I’m off if they get sick xxx

I find Nursey is much easier - but still can’t avoid illness of the child

My childminder said in 14 years she’s only ever taken 4 days off sick.. if my mum was sick on her day then my dad would help her and if she really couldn’t look after him then I would obvs stay off. If my LO is sick my mum would stay and have him and I wouldn’t take a day off unless he was that unwell he needed to attend a hospital x

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