I would've cried. Lots of love & courage. ♡
Just tell him it's not a very funny joke to you and why in a nice way. We will assume he was just trying to make a joke. However be very clear in your communication that he should start watching the words that come outta his fckn mouth because he now has a daughter too let alone you his partner. Be VERY firm with this topic and remind him as needed to watch his words and tone with his girls. Start this now so he adjusts his ways now because it may well be just be a bad habit. It's understandable you got upset as well. You also need to perhaps encourage yourself to be more positive in this area because with a child especially daughter they need a positive relationship with themselves that comes from mum. A force mum will produce an even more fierce girl child. Xx
Call him a name and poke at his insecurities Then tell him you don’t appreciate him joking with you like that
You don’t deserve that. You’re not overreacting. 💛
Big or not, calling someone ANY name is not nice. I grew up being called a chopstick or chicken legs - I mean, referred to as skinny but that’s still not nice. We shouldn’t be calling anyone animal names or implying that they’re skinny/chubby, in any form. Tell him that’s not nice and you don’t appreciate it even though he may have meant it as a joke, you don’t want your daughter picking up on that and walking around calling her Mum a “hippo” now would we.
You’re not overreacting, and another angel he should not be using any kind of “funny digs” or derogatory terms talking about your body in front of his daughter. she doesn’t need to hear anything but kindness in talking about a woman’s body. I have to remind myself every day, that even though I don’t like my body, I have to act like I do so that my daughter loves her body.
Definitely not over reacting that was rude and he should apologize especially knowing how you feel about your weight. So sorry girly 🫶🏼
I'm sorry he hurt your feelings. Some people can be very insensitive to others, especially those closest to them. You two should have a talk. Tell him how it makes you feel. Use I statements like, "I feel very hurt when you call me names." "I am sensitive about my weight." "I would appreciate it if you only called, me names of endearment." Etc. Whatever comes to mind. I hope thar if he hasn't formally apologized to you that he does soon and that he makes it up to you. That's what a husband should do. Send love and a big warm hug! I hope you feel better Mama!
No woman or anyone wants to be called a hippo that’s not funny at all. He would’ve been sleeping on the couch for weeks if it was me.
@Kellie Yes, kids can learn to become bullies because of their parents.
I think the part that would bother me was that he was saying that to the child, I hattttte that behaviour, its encouraging name calling and saying its a joke..like if the child said it to you, literally how can he tell the child off if that's what he already told them? Yeah this would anger me alot
U aint over reacting at all.. that was harsh what he said id be mad too tbh… havin nasty comments etc of someone close to you especially ur partner isnt nice at all, he should be showin u love , and makin u happy an feeling special not makin u upset an feeling low sayin just hurtful nasty comments x hope ur ok
I defo woulda cried especially being as fat as I am your defo not overreacting hun x
If this is normal behavior for him to always call you names like that, then not okay at all. If this was a one off and he was really just trying to be silly or funny then I wouldn't be too mad but I'd also make it clear that jokes like that are actually hurtful to me and to not do that again. As a kid, my siblings and I used to say similar things in a Steve Irwin voice. Like "and now we've spotted a (insert animal name) in its natural habitat" it was never meant as a joke about the persons appearance or size, however, my mom didn't like it and explained calling people things like elephant or hippo could come across very mean and hurtful, we stopped after that. To be honest, if I remember correctly, we got it from our dad, he always joked so meanly so definitely talk to him about it because 1-its mean and hurtful to you and 2-you wouldn't want your daughter picking up on mean joking like that and unintentionally go bully another kid.
Of course it’s different in every situation. My dad has called my mom hippo many times but in the most loving way. They’ve been married for 42 years.