have you noticed him choking up on his milk at all? the gasping and that neck retraction seems like laryngomalacia.
he is stinkin cuuuute!!
Thank you both!! We actually had him checked by an ENT for laryngomalacia when he was about a month old because he had pretty bad stridor. They said he didn’t have it but his vocal cords were just a bit underdeveloped. This noise is different (at least to me) than the noisy/squeaky breathing so it’s just a little worrying to me. He does only do this when he’s got his head back, so maybe that’s something
I think maybe even if it happens specifically definitely wanna check on that because my baby doesn’t do that and I’m truly heartfelt about your baby right now and I hope it’s nothing serious when you take him in. Praying on this❤️ so easy for babies to get sick or be having medical issues
My daughter started that and her check up was the next day and she said it was a normal part of milestones because the baby is building core muscles in there neck
My son does this , almost like he wants to talk
I think when they discover they can make new sounds they just never stop lol, my baby has made such strange noises that make me very uncomfortable and concerned but shes fine and has moved on to other sounds 🤣
Oh my he is adorable!!! My daughter does this when she’s excited as well … what did the pediatrician tell you about this action?
My daughter does a very similar sound. It's more like she just figured out sure could and makes it on purpose and just randomly will do it.
Omg he’s so adorable but I would definitely take him to the children’s pediatrics