@Dien like she’s not brand new to the world and is a literally BABY!
I would just be careful with this behavior because if a dad is acting like that and it’s brand new, when they start moving and rolling around, they’re not gonna understand why the baby isn’t listening to them when they’re trying to crawl or do whatever else and this is where a lot of men start to get abusive with children
@Madelynn (Maxx) good point!
I think it takes them a little longer because they don’t have that natural bond like we do. We have similar situations like you described above but I always try to understand that it’s also frustrating for my partner that he is quite unable to sooth her to sleep because all she wants is mama. Yet he is there and fights through. Definitely be cautious if your partner tends to abuse but otherwise give him some time to find a connection. Soon the bsbies will start interacting more and he’ll feel a bond growing. :)
@Nora yeah that’s understandable and i totally get that but i draw a line at immaturity when it comes to the baby we both decided to have. i get it can be frustrating hell im with her 24/7 but the few seconds he’s “trying” shouldn’t result to some snobby comment. at some point he needs to grow up.
The lack of empathy is astounding. And I would lose attraction for the person who said that. Babies are brand new. They get overstimulated, sad, scared, etc and they need their adults to love them through those moments
@Alexis exactly!
Or how I’m spoiling her because I hold her too much and comfort her