@Ebony actively lays on her side and wallops the side of her head until an adult stops her!
We say "what are you doing" then redirect her to something else like a toy or moving to us. At the moment is works for us
@Ebony worth a try. She’s really “active”.
Could you do some higher level sensory stuff. Look up babies vestibular system for example. It's basically picking them up and turning them around, upside down etc to learn spacial awareness and it really gets into their senses and satisfies the need I believe. My lil girl thinks it's hilarious too so it's super cute and interactive. A few mins of that and less banging on this side.
Thank you ❣️
@Hayley might be able to help!
I’ve always thought banging and seeking such strong feelings is to do with proprioception. Maybe you can play with her games allowing her to be “squashed”? Like sandwich in pillows, rolling into the duvet etc? And massaging after to relax those muscles after intense workout? I am no expert though
Thank you. I’ve done quite a lot of training on sensory but not with kids 😏
My little girl sits up against something like a wall or door and bangs her head against it. Your not alone