I’d get checked for blocked tear ducts. There should definitely be tears now, if they’re properly crying. My baby didn’t have tears and it was a blocked duct. Apparently common x
@Hannah ah ok FTM so had no idea, I'll get my LO seen, thanks
@Hannah did they do anything to unblock them? Xx
They gave me massage techniques to do with him that worked thank goodness. If not, it’s a small injection into it, which sounds scary but I think the massaging is quite successful. Just by the nose, near the corner of their eye, massaging in circles. However, there was also gunk and stuff. I’m no expert so always best to be checked ☺️ x
@Hannah I’ll definitely speak to the health visitor about it. Thank you xx
We sometimes get tears from one eye, but it's pretty rare, most of the time there's no tears x