@Rebecca I have yes, and they just said keep an eye on things. They do bow and he was a big baby at birth, still a chunk now. The health visitor said that nobody would do anything until he was 2-3 years old so to see if it corrects itself. They said it was common for young children to appear bow-legged or knock-kneed, or walk with their toes turned in or out. My husband said he doesn't think anything is wrong and I should just wait. But I don't want to just leave it incase it is something more concerning. X
My LB is a little bow legged too, he does trip over abit but nothing I’m concerned about. Go see a GP instead for a second opinion if you are worried/ the nursery keep going on about it x
Personally I would take him to a chiropractor or osteopath who specialises in babies. My boy was seen at -4 months and she identified his feet rolling outwards then. She gave exercises to try and encourage them to sit flat. Now you’d hardly notice. She said it’s often caused by bigger babies running out of room before being born so they have to curl themselves up more!
Incog I would definitely get a second opinion, if nothing else just to put your mind at ease x
Is he more clumsy in certain shoes? I noticed with a softer shoe my LO tripped over a lot more for some reason.
@Laura He's only ever had these one pair of pumps from Clarke's so can't really compare.
I was going to say his legs to look bowed in that picture but from your post you’re already aware of that. It would probably worth you seeing a doctor rather than the health visitor if the nursery are concerned enough to keep mentioning it. Have you told nursery what the health visitor advised?