@Scarlett so he gives you £300 which helps towards the creche fees but doesn’t pay anything else to support with other bits she needs?x
Yeah. Well the £300 is for whatever but obviously I have to use it for childcare. I will occasionally ask him to pick up bits from the shop but same as you mostly it’s my money. Days out etc I pay for.
Child support is based on how much he is earning. They will also look at things like if she stays with him overnight and how much he contributes now but I always think it better to have a formal agreement that he can't get out of and that just comes straight from his wages.
Ladies.... if you are struggling WITH a man in your life y'all need to throw that man away and be single or find another one especiallyif they'rethreatening to leave you and still giving you a few pennies tf. Stop tolerating this pretence they love giving to women that they cant or dk how to. However if you are still in love with the character and wanna stay you absolutely need to change how things go financially because after daycare the kid is in school Then what?? That will be his contribution towards what?? Not acceptable and please don't tolerate it. Hope you can manage to sort something out.
@Annabel exactly. They like threatening women with a couple of hundreds yrt they are supposed to be together or avoiding courts. I'd rather the few monies that ik he has to provide rather than playing the game of fake catch ups because he gives whenever he feels like.
My BD gives me £300 a month and most of the time her nursery fees are £500+ so the majority does cover that. In terms of CSA, he is right. The ‘maintenance’ money does not include childcare.