There are two types of home wreckers

I can be friendly and respectful to women who break up and invade homes knowingly when the couple doesn’t have children, or the children are grown. It’s the type of women that knowingly invade a home with children being raised that I don’t think you will ever have any redeeming qualities or characteristics. Nothing will ever outweigh such narcissistic, depraved, and malicious actions to another person’s child. Especially if that woman is a Mother. Most women have a natural maternal instinct. I have high expectations for women. We are intuitive, compassionate power houses. If you with intent have a hand in destroying a child’s home, you are scum. Don’t deserve a womb or children. Yes, the man is to blame. Takes two!! As a woman, I have higher expectations for other women. Not to save the feelings of the girlfriend/wife, but to protect any and all children they have knowledge of. I expect more from empathetic, and nurturing women that possess feminine energy.
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I don’t have any respect for either kind honestly

i can’t be friendly or respectful of either bc both are absolutely trash.

yes definitely takes two but I do not tolerate any woman breaking up any home for any reason whether she fully participated or not

I find it crazy how most the blame goes onto the woman tbh

There are literally NO women’s women left and it’s sad because most of them are like that because someone did it to them.. came along and “took” their man and they feel like they have to do it to someone else or that woman is better than them.. instead of sympathizing with the female that gets hurt, they become the female that hurts other women. They let someone that they once despised become someone they could relate to. That “it’s not her fault you man is thirsty” shit is WEAK because just because he’s thirsty doesn’t mean you don’t need to have a standard. Sad that they will accept ANYTHING to feel valid. SMH.. but life will come along and bite them in the ass. I see it happen all the time. You lose em how you get em💯

i find it crazy how women stoop this low and do this to other women. yes the man should take most of the blame but a woman knowingly seeking out another woman’s man is just disgusting behavior @Sam @Lexia

Uh both types of women are trash. Knowingly and willingly causing grave pain to another person because you want to get laid is trash behavior, kids or no kids.

@Sam ur right! Bt I think most of the time the blame goes to the woman, cuz a lot of us hold each other to higher standard. Personally, as a woman Idk what’s it’s like to be a man so it’s hard for me to understand what men go thru & males shud have these types of conversations with each other like we are right now to hold each other accountable as a gender. bt I think as women we assume that we have some kind of solidarity cuz we know what it’s like to be our gender. So a lot of us expect “loyalty” from one another because we can empathize & sympathize with one another because we are all women.

@Roksan is your name pronounced Roxanne?

@Lexia 2 things can be true at the same time. Yes, Men can be thirsty bt also the woman he is cheating with is at fault too cuz no self respecting woman wud sleep with a married man

Both home wreckers are triflin! I wudnt be friends with ANY woman who has home wrecking tendencies. I dont care if the couple has children or not, or if the children are grown, etc. there is never a situation in which I wud be OK with another woman doing that to another woman. I’m Muslim & my religion practices polygamy, men can have more than 1 wife & I side eye every woman who has married a man as their 2nd wife! And I’m not comfortable with any male in my family who wants or has practiced this even tho our religion permits. Cuz its giving “I had or can have an affair & fall in love with another woman, & there’s nothing my 1st wife can do abt it”

@Lexia that’s hella funny. You sound like a home wrecker lmao

@Sam that’s hella funny. You sound like a home wrecker lmao

if you read the post we were all talking about women who KNOWINGLY sleep with married men. obviously there are men who lie and women who don’t know the guy is married but that wasn’t what the post was about @Lexia

@Lexia yikes. Still sound like a home wrecker😭😂

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@Lexia omg you caught me. So insecure. My husband is at work making over 100k a year as a lineman. My girlfriend of 20 years just got cheated on by her scumbag husband. Bet you’ve never even been married. Your opinion is irrelevant 🤪 Really I just hate women who think they can uproot a child’s home for their own selfish desires. If that makes me a women hater, then I’ll be one forever. Women who invade the homes of children knowingly… deserve NOTHING GOOD. You go ahead and show your true colors sweet pea🤭

@Lexia I’m so sure they did. Message me so we can chat.

@Lexia my husband works with all men. Not a single woman on his crew. If he’s cheating, there are some new things about him I haven’t learned in the last 7 years.

Well I’m ‘hella’ not

@Lexia ur words in ur earlier comment “also dm me your identity and it adds up why he cheated on you” what does this mean cuz please don’t tell me ur one of those women who actually thinks that a man cheating on their wife is abt how that woman looks idk if that’s ur thot process cuz it’s a very ignorant thing to say!Especially to another woman, cuz How old are we? Is this high school? In case u didn’t know, ppl have characters flaws & a man cheating or any1 who cheats is just part of their bad morals! Cheating has nothing to do with any1 else other than the person doing the cheating so please let’s not blame women for getting cheating on. It’s giving pick me 🙋🏾‍♀️ its coming off like u think ur better than other women & if that’s what u think then that’s fine! it’s ur prerogative bt this post is to point out women who have poor behavior so why did u drag men into this? no one said some men weren’t thirsty bt some women are jus as thirsty too! & it has nothing to do with looks

Ya’ll I tried to tag this bitch Lexia just nw with my response bt & I think I’m blocked

lmaooo same 😂😂😂 @Jasmin

she sucked anyway 🤷🏽‍♀️

@Mia lol I can’t with hoes today! & It’s the weekend so today I got time! 👏🏾 I cudnt believe some of things tht she was commenting cuz what?!!! 🙄 I was ready for a her to keep exposing her poor character flaws & ppl like her & to just keep digging herself into a hole with excuses. Idk who stole her man bt poor thing needs to know it wasn’t her fault. And other women are not her competition

@Jasmin she was trying to tell me she found out my identity and that’s why I got cheated on.. even though my husband is out there working and being loyal to me. My bestie got cheated on recently and it’s truly got me feeling pissed at nasty women having no respect for a child home! So I told me to message me and prove she knows my identity, I’m just blocked now lol. She sounds like she likes stealing other peoples men and doesn’t have a man😩😂

@Brianne yes! It’s just spelt weirdly

@Roksan I actually appreciate this spelling a lot more cause my first language is Swahili and that is exactly how I wud spell and say ur name Roksan. Cuz idk how some English words come abt tbh cuz the spelling & saying aren’t the same. Like why is e at the end of Roxanne silent lol

@Roksan no I really like it! That's why I asked about it.

@Jasmin my name is the same. The e makes no sense at the end and is silent. According to it's spelling and the rule of English my name should be pronounced Bry- Ann but oed romances Bree-ann

Slightly off topic but if the Other Woman is getting deceived and has no idea he's married, she doesn't get counted as a Homewrecker? Because she didn't do it on purpose?

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@Ella nope!! That man is extra nasty then😩 I would be horrified if I was single and that happened to me.

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