Could you go part time instead, even if it was a temporary thing? 3 or 4 days a week?
This economy is a bit different. As long as you have enough saved for a year then i would do part time or something
Well, it depends... are you able to quit and not put your family in financial hardship? Do you have a partner who is able to support the family while you take time off? I would be scared to live solely on savings in hope of finding a good job later. I think you need at least 1 income coming in to the home. Would your partner be able to support the family on 1 income?
If you've reached the breaking point and don't have the option of reducing your days/hours, I wouldn't just quit. I'd recommend going on sick leave and seeing how far you can stretch that out. Maybe you don't need as long of a break as you had in mind, maybe you just need a breather and who knows, maybe you won't like not working and will be happy you didn't quit? Mental health is just as important as physical health so don't feel like you're doing something wrong. Stress can speed up or even cause so many physical illnesses and stress is definitely all mental health. I'd also go to my GP and ask them to do blood tests etc in case there is a medical reason you're lacking energy like anemia or something. Good luck, I hope whatever decision you make it will be the right one for you and your little family
Do you actually dislike your job? Like you would want to quit anyway? How much do you have saved up? How long could you afford to not work? How long will it take you to find a new job? If you LIKE your job, can you not just take leave? Even unpaid leave for a bit? Could you reduce to 4 days a week?