My mom used to say whenever we heard a horn… “the horn blows, what about the driver?” 😂😂
Constantly recently. Dickheads all over the roads. Got pulled out on today by a van because he was drinking a can of lager so couldn’t see me
@Lyss 😂😂😂
Only to alert a driver the lights green if it’s been a minute but only a small polite honk 😭 I’ve seen to much crazy shit and situations happening to me on the road when I was being stupid and to many crazy movies to piss anyone off I had a man slam on his breaks in front of me (on a 55 MPH road) just because we were going the speed limit and he was on our ass and in frustration I flipped him off.. the day I didn’t wear a seat belt
Also in my mom’s town someone honked at the car coming off the interstate and the person mistaken someone else as the person who honked and shot them. It again wasn’t the person who had honked at them.
Frequently. I don’t know if all Canadians are bad drivers. But the ones who come to my town are awful 😂
We live in a rural town and my husband taught my daughter we honk the horn if a raccoon is in the road so now we only honk our horn when there's a raccoon in the road. I'll honk if I'm sitting behind someone at a green light for longer than 5 seconds.
Please don’t honk your horns unless it’s important or can really ruin someone’s day, mental well being , a lot of people with adhd, anxiety, depression,autism, Asperger’s, bi polar , mania or even with a sleeping child on board ect can be having a nice day get a sensory overload shock from a loud horn get panicked and take a long time to recover . It also ruins peoples moods . Just be relaxed everyone’s just trying to get by.
Never. I’ve never really needed to. If they cut me off I just let them go I can’t even be bothered honking
Depends where we are, and where my busllshit tolerance level is
Rarely as a mom …it’s probably something I did more of when she was younger /prior to having kids and even then it wasn’t much . Though I’m sure the risk is low seeing things like kids / adults being shot in their car due to road rage etc is something that I’d want to avoid at all cost aside from that I just like to be in a calm state generally speaking over being on edge / angry, bothered ,upset etc. also in the suburbs where I presently live it’s a bit more slower paced than LA proper is where it’s super busy everywhere
Only if you’re about to hit me I lay that mfer on THICK
@Lyss lol apparently when my dad was a teenager he would say “I hear your horn blows, does your mom?!” 😭🤣
I don’t even think about honking the horn until the moment has passed and I’m like “oh that would’ve been a good time to honk”
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I drive but haven’t honk at anyone .
Only if I have to, as in if it will help to avoid imminent danger or I’ll do a lil tap so someone doesn’t miss their light. But I never honk reactively or after the fact, because i don’t want any potential road ragers pissed at me. Usually I have my baby son with me in the car.
@Victoria~ same 😂
Alllll the time. I’m in Atlanta and we are reckless out here. I was in the fast lane going 75 in a 55 and I got honked at for going “slow”🤣. So I honked back because wtf. I hate when someone merges over at very last second (especially when there’s road signs telling you what’s about to happen) and they expect people to just let them in and if you don’t THEY HONK AT YOU. So I’ll be an ass hole and not let you in and lay on horn. Because if I had to wait, you can too. I also will honk my horn if I was clearly waiting for a parking spot and someone swoops right in and takes it. Oh baby I’ll lay on my horn. *I never ever get out of my vehicle or roll my window down because that escalates shit and someone might have a gun or bat.