At doctors appointments especially in the newborn stage, when you have to get him undressed for the weight, don’t take off his diaper until he’s on the scale😂 his first and second appointments he peed all over me and all over the floor!! Idk if girls do it too but boys definitely do it more often! But I absolutely love being a boy mom! He is 14 months and now he’s starting to get a little crazy but I love every minute of it!💙
Point the penis downwards at the end of each diaper change.
They grab and tug and rip at bits. Both penis and testis pretty much as soon as they realize they’re there. I always unsnap the diaper pretty much flash it open then hold it closed for a minute so he gets the cold air, but still pees in the diaper and not on me or himself. Baby’s get erections too, that freaked me out at first I was like “uhh, is the normal!?” It is. I have a 15mo boy, and a boy otw so idk about girls, but boys are hellions. Mine will full send face first into a wall, get up with a bloody lip, and try to do it again. They’re fearless, and made of steel or so they think. I wish you the best! And congrats 🖤
Always and I do mean ALWAYS point the penis down when changing him lol I learned from experience. If you have him circumcised or even if not, make sure to pull back the skin when you wipe. Oh and poop and gas be prepared for alot of it .If your not a clingy person be prepared to become one boys attach to their moms way different than girls but that bond is so special 🤎🫶🏼 it truly is the best . Good luck momma ✨✨ and thats all from experience
I know it’s been said a lot but point that winky down!! It’s like a sniper that will struck at any moment! You’ll find they fart when you put cream on their bum, every. Time. DO NOT pull there for skin back, that tiny bit of skin that attaches to the penis is so delicate and can easily snap causing them so much pain and even bleed, if there is a build up of anything under the forskin get the all clear from the doctors first! That’s what my midwife, doctor and HV told me, until they are older and you can see what you’re doing and where that bit of skin is x
Don’t clean under their foreskin until they’re at least 1 years old; can cause so many infections if you pull it back to clean it. Any issues go to a doctor or speak to health visitor, they will also advise when it is safe to start cleaning the area. I always hold a wipe on the bottom of his tummy during nappy changes which makes him wee so that when I take the nappy off he doesn’t wee in my face (does still happen sometimes though) 😂 x
Congratulations!! I’ve heard a lot of people say a wipe warmer isn’t worth it but it really helps with nighttime changes and projectile peeing. It’s definitely not a necessity but at 3 am when they pee on their face it can get annoying lol. Also have your clean diaper ready after changes because he will pee if he gets cold. His penis will get erect if he’s going to so you’ll know if he’s gonna pee!