My boy says a few words now but it's more important that they understand words. The speaking part is ok to be later (around 2) i think I read. I can tell my son is try to figure out how to say words, but I'm not pushing it too much, I'm more bothered about saying words to him so he knows what they mean x
My son is the same only babbles and says “mama” and “papa” xxx He’s also a bilingual baby so we speak to him in Portuguese and he hears English all day Maybe that causes delays in speech?
Our girl only really says dada x
Hello! Mine is the same! Not talking. She says words like mama, dada, yaya, mam, Hi (when she feels like it) and a lot of babbling. Our childminder told me she is always babbling whilst with her and she is listening to other kids too. I think we are ok atm. They are saying some words. Also my LG is listening to 3 languages. (English- Greek and Georgian)
@Rafaela I've heard it does! I speak English to my son and his dad speaks Dutch to him, he says "Mama" "Dada" that's all so far but he understands when we speak to him kinda lol
Mine babbles baba the odd ma ma bout no words , he understands things and gestures a lot I’m confident it’ll come xx
He says a few words but he knows what things are (where is your milk) he will go and find it or point to it. He's said sometime once or twice and then never since
Not more then 10 words but only small words like mama, dada, yes, no, apple, ball, book and she makes animal sounds. But she understands most things i say to her and thats way more important then speaking 😊
I think that's really normal. My son says a few things like 'nana' for banana and 'shoo' for shoes 😂. But I agree with what someone else on here said, they're always just taking in what you say so it's that they're understanding and most of the time they do. X
My son says about 10 words but they are not all clear but I know he is trying to say them. Like mama, dada, yeah are clear but when he says cat it comes out as dat but he’s clearly pointing at the cat because that’s what it is if that makes sense. I don’t know any kids this age that can actually talk properly
Mine is the same xx