I have an 18 month old and a 2 month old and also had a C-section. My bonding time was spent cuddling with her when she napped with a pillow in between us since I couldn’t lift her either. If your partner can watch your newborn for a bit I found that helped give her closeness she needed. It will get better I promise. Now I can hold her and it’s like nothing happened for her. 🙂
Im so sorry to hear this im expecting my second and i have a 15 month old omg im scared 😢he the sweetest boy barely throws tantrums
I remember my oldest wanted NOTHING to do with me. He was having a whole meltdown with dad when I came to comfort him he would push and run away from me towards my husband who was cooking and said no. That ish hurt but it doesn't last long at all
I have 15 month old and a 1 month old and my toddler is teething like a b***h at the minute, very clingy and tantrum. Have you checked for any teeth too?
Thank you all! Really helpful. Hoping it won’t be too long until he gets used to having a baby brother n cheers up!
No advice but it’s normal and will pass. He will forget this and soon they will be besties It’s ok for him to be upset and have big feelings and not be able to express them! It’s a huge change. He’s just processing and even though not easy for you it’s ok 💗 Know that soon enough things will be better. I think things like asking people visiting to make a big fuss of him first and ignore babu when they arrive Making out some Special time just you two when you can Telling him he’s a big boy and how excited and happy you are when he does things Generally just keep doing what your doing xxx