Not me, but my cousins youngest was exactly like this. Turned out he was just a very grumpy and dramatic baby. We think that a lot of the tantrums were due to teething, and he was in pain (obviously, we can't read minds, so it's just a presumption) He would hardly ever smile, would throw himself around, we were all worried he'd end up snapping his neck with the force he'd throw it back. The only person he'd be good for was our nan, his grandmother. He was like this from about 4 months until around the year mark. Can't tell you exactly when it stopped, but it stopped. We joke now that when he was a baby, he'd wake up and choose violence, and now he chooses love. Still extremely stubborn, but the violent screaming, throwing himself, hitting himself has completely stopped
It could be because of teething. My little boy is always so smiley and happy, hardly ever cries. Last couple of days he's been a little diva, throwing himself about and it's because he's teething. But if your worried speak to your gp or health adviser x
Not always the case but my niece was like this and she has autism
It’s because they are getting older and getting more upset when something is taken away, my daughter gets mad if I take my phone or the tv remote away, I’m like girl you can’t have it you’ll just have to cry if you don’t want the toy instead. These kids be getting mad and trying to get their own way!
@Katie louise 🤣🤣🤣
Hi girls, I am really sorry you're going through this hard time. I have a 2 tear old toddler and he was always super hard since the birth. Had the worst colic quite literally, never slept, was extremely irritable and started scratching and punching from around 5 months old. I know it can make you feel rejected and failed as a mother but please know it's not you, it's the child's temper. Now that my son is 2 years old he already acts very different and actually as I see his peers he sticks out with his clever personality and even morals! He became a gentle little man because of how we taught him by example and educated him. And now the former horrible grumpiness and aggressiveness transformed into a super strong character and resilience.
That being said, I hope my example can give you some light at the end of tunnel. I wish people would have sat down with me to talk about what it means to raise a strong tempered child and given me hope. I was traumatized, felt isolated and it was super hard for me to build a healthy relationship with him at first. My second child which is a July baby is the opposite and super happy and gentle from the birth so I know that comparing these two it was definitely not me who caused my first child to be the way he was but it was always his personality
Thank you all for your comments, it's incredibly comforting to know i am not alone! Being a mum is hard but I'm 1000% confident that we will all figure out how to navigate all stages and phases, its just sometimes hard to see the light when you are in the thick of it x
@Daria thank you for comments, it's nice to read that someone is out the other side! How did you manage your little ones temper? It sounds like my little boy is awfully similar, very strong willed already and strong tempered also 🥴
My boy is definitely a grumpy baby when he doesn't get something he wants and would just scream constantly for the first 3/4 months due to reflux. He's definitely abit happier now but does get periods of grumpiness and I wouldn't say has tantrums but gets upset when he can't reach/do something xx
I'm am going through exactly this!! With my 6 month old daughter. She has tantrums like you wouldn't believe! She is my second and I never had anything like this with my 1st and no one In my family has ever experienced it either . I'm sorry I can't advise what to do or help to much atm as we are too trying to find a way to stop them but I'm messaging just to say your not alone and your child isn't different because mine is going through it too