It’s such a weird fussy stage that I wasn’t prepared for!! It’s much worse than the newborn stage because I have no idea why he’s crying😂
I completely agree! Usually we do quite a few classes (swimming, sensory) but for the last 2 weeks she’s cried through them all! We’ve been going since she was 8 weeks old and she’s always loved them!! She SCREAMS at me when I change her or do her nappy, screams when she’s waiting in her high chair for food. She isn’t sleeping (night or naps and she used to be fine) oh my god ! I genuinely thought it would be over by now but it’s been over two weeks it’s sending me under. Help. Is yours the same 🤣🤣🤣🙈🙈🫠🫠🤪🤪
@Lauren this sounds like my child also!!! I can’t believe you’ve had this for 2 weeks girl this is mad😅🫠 I’m literally just surviving the first week, I don’t know if I can do another after this, I’m mentally exhausted 🤣🤟🏼
Honestly. She’s cried in the jumperoo today and she loves it 🤣🤣😭😭 she’s literally crying or whinging 70% of the day 😭 I really hope it ends soon. Sorry your going through it too!!
We are exactly the same! He’s also been like this for around 2/3 weeks. He has got a little bit better. Although had a full on melt down yesterday because I wouldn’t let him eat the dog food, I think he cried for about 20 mins! I’m with you all! It’s been the trenches! xxx
My baby did this as soon as she turned 9 months and honestly she's not much better now. Just a total whing bag at literally every tiny inconvenience! Sadly I think it is just a stage you have to get through