It does get better but it does take a while. My LO goes to nursery four times a week and it took her about a month to get settled. They will get there it just takes time 💜
@Becca My LO is all happy and smiley whilst we're at the door of the nursery but as soon as they carry her she starts crying and when I pick her up she's also crying. Not sure if I've made the right decision 😭
Crying when you pick her up is actually just showing she has a good attachment to you. It's her showing relief that you have come back. It takes time for them to get used to it and at 8 months separation anxiety is high. My daughter started at 11.5 months and it took her a good month or so to settle. She still attends the same one now at 2.5 and loves it :)
No advise but this is scaring me bless your heart. I’m dreading my baby attending nursery as he’s super attached to me