How old is she? Tell her your vacuuming and to put her hands over her ears and close the door. Does she have ear defenders? She will get used to it over time.
@Karen she’s 9 months old, so unfortunately not old enough to understand if I tell her to cover her ears. I will look into these ear defenders though I’ve never heard of that.
It’s just a fancy word for noise canceling headphones that you use at a concert My son had his phase between 9-11 month with the vacuum. She’ll adjust to it! Try holding her a few times when you run it.
I would keep vacuuming maybe a few minutes here and there or maybe hold her while you do it so she can see what the noise is from and that it isn’t scary may help as well.
My boy was terrified of hoovers and hand dryers, but it didn’t last long. When he was younger he just couldn’t understand where this sudden, loud noise was coming from. Now he loves to help me hoover 😂
Thank you so much you’ve all been very helpful allowing her to touch it and hear it being on as well as holding her while I vacuumed did the trick. She cried for a few seconds then she was fine.
My daughter accidentally started our (rumba like) vacuum the other day and has previously never had any issues with it but her dad went downstairs and I was in the other room and it was going right next to her. It FREAKED her out and now she won’t even walk next to it🥴 she keeps telling it to go bye bye so I’m hoping her fear will move on soon🤞🏻
@MaryKate awwww “go bye bye” is so cute
Have you tried inviting her to help you vacuum? Sometimes, feeling like they have control over it can help them. :)
My kid is afraid of the vacuum too but not really he just wants me to hold him when I vacuum.
My 18 month old is TERRIFIED of all sweepers. Her dad “chased” her with ours once and she was laughing but since then has been terrified and will cry if she even sees one. We were thrifting and she started crying as I was paying and then I turned around and realized the guy behind us had a sweeper 🙃
Normal - my son was like this. I vacuumed less and stopped when he wanted me too. Eventually he was totally fine with it like a few months later.
Keep doing it. She’ll get used to it. My son went through a phase where he was afraid of it. It was completely random and came on one day and was gone in no time. He now runs around with it 😂