My lo is on 2
My boy has a bottle with breakfast, midday and bed so we still on 3
We are still on between 4-5 bottles a day 🫣she isn’t the biggest of eaters
Some days 3, some days 2, depends how well he eats and if he’s interested in the snack that replaces the afternoon bottle ☺️ also not crawling, just likes to roll everywhere 🤣
My LO is on 3 bottles and walking 🥴
My baby isn’t interested in crawling she goes on her stomach but then just flaps arms and legs like a beached whale! Think she will skip crawling and go to walking instead as she always wants me to help her stand and walk! As for bottle my little one has one big bottle before bed and I usually dream feed her before I go to bed so she sleeps longer. Occasionally she will wake for another one around 4am but other times sleeps right through till 6:30-7 when we get up for nursery. Sometimes she will have one after nursery. So solidly it is 2. But occasionally there will be a third if she needs one after nursery as she’s tired and irritable (usually when she’s unwell) or if she’s woken in the night - but often doesn’t finish these 2 extra bottles think she uses them as more of a comfort thing
My little girl has 1 in the morning and 1 before bed and drinks water in the day she’s 11 months and 2 weeks old she crawls everywhere and stands holding on 🙂
My little girl is 11 months old, she’s crawling and we are still about 2-3 bottles a day depending on how she is, every baby is different so I wouldn’t stress about anything and if you are concerned that your baby is not crawling or pulling themselves up on stuff maybe speak to your health visitor xx
4 bottles a day but hoping to go down to 2/3
My little boy is just on 2 😊