@Isabelle thank you that’s helpful, mine are also DCDA.
I had an appointment with my community midwife at 16 weeks. We then had our 20 week anomaly scan and saw both the midwife and consultant after that. We have our next scan at 24 weeks and then we will see the midwife and consultant after the scan. All going well, we will follow this process every 4 weeks unless something is picked up in the scan that would require more scans/appointments. I do believe it can vary from trust to trust but that’s my hospitals policy with DCDA twins, hope this helps!
I had DCDA twins, saw the consultant at 16 weeks for an introduction and 32 weeks to plan the birth, then saw the twin midwife and had a scan every 4 weeks from 20 weeks. I had the option to also see my community midwife but was having all the routine checks by the twin midwife anyways so didnt need to :)
I was just seen as normal until 20 weeks
I think it varies by borough if in London. I am in the Greenwich borough and saw the midwife from 2 months pregnant and was scanned every 4 four weeks by the consultant at the twin clinic in the hospital. I ended up seeing the midwives, 2 weeks later a scan, two later the midwife etc. That went on until I was 36 weeks, at which point I was in the hospital daily to be placed on a monitor. I have DCDA twins.
@Tamika did the babies arrive on their own and what week?
@Jo I had a planned c-section due to having an open myomectomy 18 months before to remove fibriods. The boys arrived at 37+4, weighing 6lbs, 10oz and 6lbs,8oz so big boys.
@Tamika ok so not particularly early. Yes, very healthy weights.
@Jo I wished haha. They say anything over 36 weeks is a good time. I was ready at 5 months to have the boys out
@Tamika yes, they told me 37 weeks. That sounds tough 😥
@Jo It was a tough pregnancy but we made it through and now in toddler trenches.
@Tamika I have been very lucky so far with no sickness but already feeling tired and heavy.
In my DCDA twin pregnancy it was supposed to be every 4 weeks - due to growth it was 2 weeks(weekly at one point) what type of twins you are having will determine this. We didn’t seen the consultant each time -was normally the twin midwife