Am I wrong??

My in laws make 6 figures an this is what I got messaged today an yes we do live in there house but was told we just need to focus on us an our kids an that's it
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Seems like you all need a sit down and make things clear

If you live there, you should contribute. We don’t know the whole scenarios. Sit together and sort out finances

I don’t understand parents like this. I know it’s normal in America for people to turn 18 and the parents can’t wait for them to leave but my mom would NEVER EVER leave me hanging. I’m married with a kid and she still trying to figure out a way for me to come back she never wanted us to leave as we got older. And then just be direct! You didn’t have to write this long ass essay. If we were coming here to pay your bills then we would be somewhere paying our own! She needs to take this up with her son and if it’s not working just say that! What do you wanna do about it mom 🤣 I’m sure you would give them whatever if you had extra! Don’t let this discourage you, but just take it as another lesson that you two can’t depend on anyone. I learned that a lot during motherhood.

Dont know the whole scenario but regardless of her pay check they’ll have their own personal expenses and bills so I personally dont find it unreasonable that they ask for contribution towards bills when you live in the house, I’m guessing for otherwise free.

My opinion but if your man has a job and you and him both live rent free what is $200 if you two was to get your own it would cost way more than $200 I feel like that $200 should of been given to the parents so quickly they wouldn’t have to ask again because next month I’ll give $200 ….save your money before y’all need to leave or get put out I’m telling you ppl get tired of supporting ppl and especially if they ask for something and get the run around

Who cares if they make six figures, they helped you out. That doesn't mean you can take advantage. Time to put your big girl pants on and take some responsibility and take care of your family. You are lucky you have somewhere to live. Show some respect.

Sorry but what they earn is irrelevant, if you're living there then you pay your way, as well as buying clothes for your kids. I can't imagine living with my parents and not paying a penny for anything, it's just wrong IMO.

Oh no. I’m sorry Ure going through this. But pls don’t bank on someone’s income for ur need. U saying the earn 6 figures should have nothing to do with you. It may sound a bit entitled… considering they are already helping as much.. The message scream an overwhelmed frustrated person. So it’s best to acknowledge thier efforts and put in some efforts to help out…

@Hamdi well this sounds like entitlement tho. It should be a privilege n not entitlement

And addition they probably don’t really need the money for bills it’s just mom and dad way of saying if we wasn’t here how would y’all survive rent is way more $200 why aren’t y’all saving

sounds like his parents are super involved in his finances. Sounds like a him and his parents issue. You should just be immensely grateful but continue saying that this is a topic that should be discussed with their own son? Like how does this conversation fall onto you???

@Nola Sunshiine we have but they keep asking for money on a constant an it's not about the 6 figures it bout them spending money on gambling an fast food an stuff off Facebook that gets me an my husband they first told us to focus on us an the kids an that they won't ask us for money to pay the bills or anything but all of a sudden it's changed an they get about 300-400 from my Bio dad to pay rent an all but they don't pay the bills with that

Their earnings are irrelevant tbh. You’re grown adults, pay your bills and time to move out for allll your sakes

I think if you live under somebody else’s roof (regardless of what they do or don’t earn) you obide by their rules. If you don’t like it you move out and likely pay a lot more elsewhere

@Rosie we have but they keep asking for money on a constant an it's not about the 6 figures it bout them spending money on gambling an fast food an stuff off Facebook that gets me an my husband they first told us to focus on us an the kids an that they won't ask us for money to pay the bills or anything but all of a sudden it's changed an they get about 300-400 from my Bio dad to pay rent an all but they don't pay the bills with that

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Think you all need to sit down and chat about what is expected and communicate altogether what is required. They can spend money on how they want it’s their house right? Sounds from the msg the issue is with your other half and his parents x

Being a young mom, there are a lot of learning curves. Especially when living in someone else’s home. Regardless of your baby daddy and his family The sooner you learn financial literacy and communication skills for yourself - the better off you’ll be. Especially when it comes to the next 5 years of your life. Watch some YouTube videos of til debt do us part (a lady named gale) and watch those scenarios And or read some books for yourself so when it comes to budgeting and investing

@Hamdi and then there are the flips side, you can’t wait to leave and never look back! I’m glad you have a mom who cares 🫶🏻

If it’s their money they should keep it. They have already paid for and raised their kids, shouldn’t have to do it for anyone else’s.

How they spend their money is up to them. If rent is due, it needs to be given. I imagine they're probably giving a sweet deal living there rather than renting somewhere else. So it's probably a good idea to sort out what the expected "rent" is owed each month and pay it. Even if it means getting a second job or picking up more work.

I don't understand parents that do this. If your kid & their family need to stay with you, why not let them save money so they can move out? If they're paying you it'll take them longer to leave.

Can’t expect to live anywhere for free … if you lived out the house it would defo be more than £200

Yeah OP you don't know how much their outgoing expenses are and I'm sure they help more than just with clothes

Judge Judy would have a field day with this. It sounds like she’s taking her frustration out because every time it’s time to pay there’s an excuse. $200 is a blessing. You can’t even buy a decent tent for $200. I’d be frustrated too if I asked for so little and did so much yet still had to chase it down. It’s disrespectful, entitled, and quite selfish imo. It doesn’t matter if she makes a billion dollars. She didn’t create this family.. you and your spouse did. You and your spouse have to provide for that family that you both created. If you don’t agree with it move out and best of luck finding a place cheaper than $200.

@Shyanne, why are they getting money from your bio father for rent? That seems odd. How old are you? Also, why does your partner need to pay court costs? If you are as behind on things as MIL says, then you will have to look for work if you aren't already. It's a tough and sucky situation, and I'm sorry you are dealing with this.

My face would be fucking blue of embarrassment.

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