My baby girl, born 8/3 is the same! She was very interested for the first couple of days and since then, it's like you said, just a few spoonfuls each time. She's content with just milk and I'm a firm believer that when she's ready she'll show more interest! Until then, she's drinking her milk and still growing big and strong!
I always say they will tell you! Mine born 8/31 is already eating full jars like girl 🤣😅 Her brother not so much!
My son was born 8/2 & the most he’s eaten is sweet potatoes from a jar. I’ve tried banana & he wasn’t a fan. Baby oatmeal was so so. But his Dr said milk is still is primary source of food. I believe as long as you’re trying, no matter the age, he will come around.
Every baby is different we haven’t started the foods yet but a lot of the time this is just for them to have fun and try out textures I wouldn’t get worried or anything yet as milk is still there main source of nutrition!
@Kat yes my boy is big always has been which is why my worry isn’t there for him I’m just not used to this like I said my first loved food
Baby boy born 8/13: he’s so far tried puree carrot, avocado, peanut, and shrimp. So far he is not fond of shrimp
My girl LOVES her food. Bottle, boob, solids, she loves all of it. She really loves carrot but I've tried a few other things too like mango, banana, peas, cauliflower, spinach, butternut squash, brussel sprouts, and avocado. Lately we've been doing watermelon that I've blended and I mix it with baby cereal. She can't get enough of it lol. She's not a fan of cauliflower so I usually mix carrot in to get her to eat it.
@Ashley my son GAGGED with the banana today lol
@Joanna ooo he’s had a variety ❤️
@Liz the watermelon idea is good! She’s had so much..awesome job
@Jodi My son just kept making this face like I was feeding him a lemon lol. I think I’ll wait until he’s much older & give him a real banana.
BIRTHDAY TWINS! My son is also an 8/12 baby! He likes a couple purées and those rice wafer things. He’s just now trying to grab what I and his father eat 😂
My baby girl was born 8/11 and loves food. She’s eaten a lot of foods but also has shown interest in them. She’s great at feeding herself.
Just realized it was you @Jodi ! Hi!! 🥰
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My girl has had tastes only, she hardly opens her mouth for the real thing but we’ve tried peas, green beans, carrots, sweet potato, apple, pear, all purées, no solid food yet except a little taste of banana. She will get the hang of it eventually, she likes grabbing the spoon and putting it in her mouth even though it makes a huge mess
My 6 mo old likes fruits loves bananas strawberries and watermelon but he uses his little pacifier with holes for trying fruits so he doesn’t choke. I’ve given him bean juice and this week we gave him applesauce. He likes it all.
Mine was born 7/29. The Dr ok'd foods at 4 months. We introduced it slowly at first one puree at a time every other day or so. He started getting more interested in food closer to 6 months. Now at almost 7 months wants everyones plate of food. I still mostly give him purees out of fear but he has had peanut butter with pancakes, eggs, soup with pasta, banana, corn on the cob and a chicken leg
@Mar yes I’m doing purées it works best for me as a working mom to trust when he is with gramma that all will be okay. That’s great progress it sounds like
@Jess yes this is the only way my boy tries anything if it’s all by himself 😤
Should we push them to eating the foods or just stop till they show interest again?
We stopped feeding our baby with a sippy cup. Since he was 2 weeks before his due date, he not developed yet. So we will wait and then try again. For food, I’m still going to continue since he’s comfortable with the spoon and swallowing
@Elizabeth I don’t force the spoon in her mouth but encourage her to open and then let her try, I think the more we keep exposing it to them the better they get at it
@Elizabeth I’m not pushing my baby personally. He has a frozen fruit in a mesh feeder or bites of banana in the AM and some food later in the day. Whatever he eats is just that. He closes his mouth and moves his head if he doesn’t want more and like I said he’s literally having a few bites when he is eating. I plan to expose him to a variety of foods throughout his life but especially now as he is so young I’m not pushing anything
Mine has a lot of interest in what I’m eating, but not in himself eating. He’s 6m and we’ve only tried a few bites of egg